Pitch the Publisher Application Fee

Pitch the Publisher Application Fee



About the Author

Ted Barber

Ted’s parents encouraged him to be an avid reader. His family were storytellers. Chosen to be an editor for a creative writing magazine in his senior year of high school, Ted was on his way to a writing career when life’s circumstances forced him to choose a different path. When Ted’s daughter was born, he told and wrote children’s stories for her entertainment. He continued to write poetry, short stories, and short novellas all the while becoming interested in alternate history, realizing that a decision here or a phrase there could’ve changed history as we know it.


Other Books by This Author

A Champion is Born
She was just a newborn puppy but her mother Tanzi saw something special deep inside of her pup. There was courage, and confidence, along with passion and purpose. Tanzi also saw a healthy measure of wisdom. Smiling to herself Tanzi knew that her pup had the heart of a champion.
A New Song
A New Song is a compilation of Christian Poetry penned over Elizabeth’s lifetime. This is her first published book and we hope she will share many more with us as her gift is truly from up above.

A Brand New Song

I will not pass this way again

Nor tarry here too long

I’m going to another place

A place where I belong.

A land where milk and honey flow

And the streets are paved with gold

Where there will be no pain or death

Where I will not grow old.

There I will meet my Savior

And those who’ve gone before

We’ll worship God and sing His praise

Christ Jesus whom we adore.

When I see the pearly gates open

I will hear Him call to me

I’ll look beyond the Jordan’s bank

And His radiant face I’ll see.

I will not be down-hearted

I will shout a brand new song

I will be upon the golden shore

Upon the brand new morn.

So please don’t cry don’t shed one tear

I can’t tarry here too long

Cause I’m going to another place

A place where I belong.

A Question of Innocence
David Rathman, Martin County State’s Attorney, has every reason to believe that the biggest case of his career is a lead pipe cinch conviction. After all, Carolyn Gallagher admittedly shot her sleeping husband, Dr. Grant Gallagher, twice in the head from a range of no more than two inches. But, as Carolyn’s attorney, harried and overworked Martin County Public Defender, Karen Pellegrini, learns about the Gallagher marriage and what went on behind closed doors, she realizes she has been given the greatest challenge and responsibility a criminal defense attorney can assume: defending a truly innocent client. Then when celebrity attorney, Marcus Jackson, learns of the case and smells publicity, he volunteers to join the defense team. And little Martin County prepares to become the venue for the murder trial of the decade. Can Karen and Marcus convince a local jury that the revered, Dr. Gallagher was in truth, a monster, and Carolyn, a battered spouse who acted in self-defense? Or will even more secrets be uncovered?
A Son is given
A Child is born. A Son is given who by his sacrificial blood offers deliverance from sin. He will return not as the sacrificial lamb of God but as the ruler of all nations. Ruling with an iron scepter as he provides never-ending peace and justice.
Babies Know
Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology is a multidisciplinary approach that explores in depth the biological, psychological, mental, emotional, and social development of babies as they grow into unique individuals through their relationship with caregivers. It honors the essence of life throughout the entire lifespan, and emphasizes the significance of the earliest formative relationship, which create the foundation for all subsequent interactions with others.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Evie wished for an uncommon love.  What she got was otherworldly...and a man named Rick Remington.  He’d open her eyes to much more than a life of wealth and privilege.  He’d help her see a bond that crossed all boundaries when facing the unimaginable.  Then find herself again as she answered the very statement that set their time together in motion -- “Be Careful What You Wish For.”
Before the BADGE
Dominick Izzo has been a thorn in the side of Police Command since his first Police Department when he refused to accept the status quo of allowing village officials and police commanding officers to operate with the falsehood that they were above the same law he swore to uphold. Having served as a police officer from 2001 until 2016. He served with full distinction and full disobedience for corruption. Izzo took on the challenges of the command of all three of the departments he was sworn to serve, never sitting by and watching the politics of the system work against the citizens or the officers who were subject to such corrupt members. From refusing to sleep with a village official, to exposing the abuses of power of a village mayor and his father to the sacrificing of his career to take on the most corrupt police chief and his actions, Dominick Izzo honored his oath to the Constitution and those he swore to protect. Before the Badge is all about just that. Doing what is right, no matter the cost to you personally or professionally. Your name and integrity are what matters the most in a profession of sharks who'll eat their own, proving that the Thin Blue Line is stuff movies are made of when it comes to any officer who challenges those who threaten the ideals law enforcement is held to. Considered an emotional "how-to" for the street cop, Before the Badge is a must-read for anyone who is a cop, knows a cop or has dreams of becoming a cop and wants their badge to shield and protect their own heart.
Before the Past Escapes Us
A compilation of short stories where characters search deep within themselves to confront the life changing events of their past that have led them to the present. A fiction book ranging across many genres from horror to lighthearted comedy.
Bigger Than Jussie: The Disturbing Need For A Modern-Day Lynching
When Jussie Smollett took Bola Osundairo under his wing, grooming him for greater roles in Hollywood, the UNTHINKABLE happens… Bola Osundairo couldn’t believe his luck when actor, Jussie Smollett, took an interest in him. He barely knew the man when he was hired to be an extra on the hit show Empire. Within a short time, thanks to Jussie’s assistance, Bola became a stand-in. His star was on the rise. Ola Osundairo became an extra on Empire before Bola. Soon he was in a picture with the creator of the show that was posted on Instagram. His acting career was blasting off. When Jussie asks for a favor, Bola is only too happy to help. At first, when he heard Jussie’s plan, he thought it was a joke. Why would Jussie need a modern-day lynching? Jussie assured him things like this were normal in Hollywood. When Jussie asked if Bola knew of someone who could help, Bola knew his brother, Ola, would be perfect. Things didn’t go as planned, at least the brothers didn’t think so. Ola was instructed by Jussie to place one of the ‘props’, a rope made into a noose, around Jussie’s neck. But that didn’t happen. Ola got spooked and ran off before doing so. When word got out about the modern-day lynching, the brothers learned when Jussie reported the ‘crime’ he wore the noose. Why did he put the noose around his own neck? No man would ever willingly put a noose on themselves, much less a black man! Suddenly, Bola and Ola find themselves outcasts in Hollywood, dropped by a major casting agency, and their lives totally turned upside down. Who are Ola and Bola Osundairo? They are so much more than the ‘attackers’ in Jussie’s modern-day lynching hoax. Get to know the American-Nigerian brothers. Find out why Jussie knew Bola would agree to help him before he ever asked him to. The truth of this hoax comes to light through text messages, emails, and never-before-seen evidence that removes all doubt of the brother's involvement and explains why Bola and Ola agreed to take on this role. Was Jussie really trying to help the Osundairo brothers, or was he preparing them for the acting role that would prevent them from ever acting again? Take a deep dive into the Smollett case, with a special emphasis on the biographical elements. As Bola and Ola strive to rise from the ashes, they are troubled by unanswered questions which leads to their quest for the truth. What they learn brings to light one controversial question that when combined with historical facts leaves one to think, was there a political need for modern-day lynching? Was the real motive Bigger Than Jussie?
Blessed by God Led by the Spirit
The sequel to Thank You Lord for the Privilege delves more deeply into the day-to-day workings of God moving in the life of one of His servants. This same God also works through the lives of others (church leaders, relatives, and worldwide friends), to support and encourage the author throughout the decades of her life. Through this memoir, we also are taken along to tour many countries in the world, as she shares her travel experiences and highlights.
Bobby’s First Day
Bobby’s First Day recounts the events of the day Bobby was born, through the eyes of newborn Bobby, who is seeing and experiencing the world for the first time. This charming, rhyming story shows us the confusing and funny way the world must seem to a baby and is engaging for both parents telling the story and the children listening.
Bola and Ola Play a Prank
Who wants to play a prank? Brothers, Bola, and Ola do! They play them on their siblings and their other family members. Sometimes the pranks don’t go the way they thought they would. When they are older, the brothers agree to help a friend with a prank. What happens when the prank goes wrong? Will the police be called?
The people I’m going to tell you about in this story are long gone.  The winds of Time have blown miles of dirt over their graves.  History left them behind, lore and legend never got it correct.  This story needs to be told, I’m sure that I am the only one left alive that knows it.  All that’s left are my memories and some old faded pictures.  I don’t have much time left, so here is the true story of my family, the Little Rose Gang.
Brooklyn’s Bridge
On September 28, 1924, German immigrants Henry and Ella Borgman arrived in New York Harbor along with hundreds of others who dreamed of a better life in America. A year later, on their route home across the Brooklyn Bridge in the middle of a New York City traffic jam, Ella goes into labor and gives birth to a son. They name him Brooklyn “Brooks” Borgman after the bridge which, to them, embodied the American “can-do” attitude they had come to love. Life wasn’t easy for the Borgman's, but they trust “the good Lord,” work hard and “get by with a little help from their friends” in the small town of Anomie, Kansas where they are forced to move after the depression. Henry becomes an airplane mechanic and Brooks starts spending lots of time with Dad at the hangar where he develops an aptitude for flying planes. Shortly before his 19th birthday, Brooks is drafted into the army during World War II. It soon becomes apparent that both the providence that ordered his parents’ lives and his own has been preparing him for his time in the service. Brooks quickly distinguishes himself as the best of his class and is pressed into dangerous duty. Against overwhelming odds, Brooks selflessly volunteers to put himself in harm’s way to aid a crucial mission, earning him the love of his fellow soldiers and the respect of his superiors. It will also win him the hearts and admiration of his countrymen but will he live to see it?
Building Brains with Music

Anyone who has a child in their life, whether as a parent, family member, teacher, or someone else involved in the child’s care, should read this book. The information contained will change how you view music. It will not only have a positive, direct impact on the child; it will have an impact on you, the reader, as well.

Every parent or teacher has the capability of using music.  Would more of them take the time to sing and dance if they knew how valuable taking the time was?  If one of the basic tools for building a brain was music, would you use it?  I am handing you that tool right now with this book.

Come join me as we begin Building Brains with Music.
Cody Carpenter
Cody Carpenter never desired to dwell in a land where walking and talking are prohibited; sleeping and eating are neither required nor desired, and night comes but darkness doesn't. Cody is quite content to remain in Betugonna Missit, a quaint town few people have ever wanted to visit. Then, a most unfortunate event occurs and a disappearing draft notice appears. Suddenly Cody is required to report to a world that most people have never believed existed. At an almost abandoned academy, dueling directions, water-walking tournaments and a hero's destiny awaits Cody, but so does a brush with death that reminds him: he has already died.
Confidence Unleashed: Be the Unstoppable Hero of Your Own Heart

Be the unstoppable hero of your own heart.

Have you ever felt the crippling weight of self-doubt overshadowing your abilities?

Have you forgotten your innate power and the divine blueprint of your existence?

Join Lanie D’Souza on a transformative journey, with over two decades of experience empowering thousands of women to embrace self-trust and body love. This path unveils the proud strength of self-compassion, the beauty of gratitude, and the revelation of your authentic self. Embrace the transformative trinity of kindness in your words, thoughts, and actions. Trust in the process as the struggle paints the portrait of your higher self. At its core, gratitude nurtures mind, body, and spirit. It's time to take the first ride to embrace your past, build your confidence, and unleash your true beauty.
After years of alcohol abuse, Raldo Cisneros, a former Marine, is desperate to rekindle his strained relationship with his young daughter. He gets back on his feet and begins working security for a billionaire financier only to discover a dark secret that he feels may cost him his soul. Through the help of his former Navy chaplain - a suffering soul in his own right - Raldo comes to face-to-face with the decision of his life and will be forced to risk it all for those he loves most.  By John Gibson 
Deception & Consequences

Aria is strong enough to survive the mounting dangers alone but grateful she doesn’t have to.

“I’m not going looking for a fight, but I’m not going to back down from one either.”  ~ Aria

“I’ve been wondering for a while now what you would look like right before I kissed you.” ~ Mac

Meeting Simon Longoria on the beach in St. Lucia seemed like a dream come true. For Aria Donaldson it was the vacation of a lifetime complete with sand, sun, and lots of raw, adventurous sex. At the time, Aria had no idea that her encounter with Simon would entwine her with Deuce Halprin, a sinister man determined to destroy her family. When an ominous dream from her childhood begins playing out in real life, Aria is convinced that Simon is somehow involved, and her real nightmare begins.

In the midst of unimaginable danger, Aria meets her guardian angel, her soulmate, her lover— Mac Brunner. As Aria and Mac’s romance heats up, Aria discovers that she is at the center of a nasty family feud that goes back a generation. Aria and Mac now must uncover the family secrets that Deuce Halprin is determined to protect. Haunted by the deception lurking in her past, Aria faces its consequences and finds herself caught between the life she always knew and the reality she must face.

What if Americans grew tired of constant political party rivalries? What if an Independent offered true change and was elected? What if the new President had dirt on all Congress people and judges and could control them? What if financial burdens were lifted off the people and they became prosperous while the President disabled Congress and the courts to shells of their former selves? What if he became President for life, a dictator? Would the distracted people notice? What if one man did notice? Could one man change the course of history?
Dexter Booth and the Last Dragon
Most grandchildren go swimming or enjoy a burger when visiting their grandparents. Dexter helps his grandparents, alongside a clan of wood faeries, save the last dragon from evil as old as time during his weekend visit.
Don’t Touch That Box
He lived with a box in a closet for five decades. A box he told them not to touch. During those years their lives were consumed with the tragedies of death, mental illness, a house fire, the Great Depression, and war. In this true story, Author Karin Wargel delves into the lifetime of the strong, talented genius who was the father of twelve children and her grandfather, Paul Schultetus. She discovers how they were able to carry on; by teaching the constellations from blankets in the yard on starry nights; by teaching a foreign language at breakfast; by having the rare library and radio in the neighborhood; and by making home-made ice cream in an old sorghum can. The family was still able to find much joy and happiness that was provided every day by hard-working, loving parents. Karin also visited Germany and acquaints herself with the lives of her ancestors and the well-known historical events they surmounted. They fled France during the routing of the Huguenots. They lived under the scourge of Communism. Her greatest discovery was the genes they possessed and sent to America that affected the lives of their descendants. What secrets does the mysterious box hold? Who finally has the strength to go against their beloved father and look inside this box after fifty years?
Everything A-Z Coloring and Learning Fun
Bring out the coloring artist of your child while letting them learn A to Z of Animals, Birds, Vegetables, Fruits, and the Wonders of the World. This coloring book for children contains 112 pages keeping your children engaged for more than three months. Coloring the names introduces them to lettering fun. Moreover, we aim to provide children with a chance to learn about what they are coloring by including a short paragraph, providing an introduction of the animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, flowers, in this children's coloring book. So, let your kids color and learn together with their friends.

Fertilizer for the Funnybone
DISCLAIMER: The views represented in this book are not necessarily the views of the United States Department of Agriculture. BUT THEY SHOULD BE! In the increasingly competitive and challenging world of farming, surely a book is needed to educate farmers on how to increase their crop yields. Okay, so this isn’t that book. Or…is it? What if what every farmer really needs is just a good laugh? Gary Guest or “Double G” as he’s known, loves three things: 1. Being a farmer; 2. Dirt; and 3. Making people laugh. In Fertilizer For The Funnybone, he’s fulfilled that mission in sowing a collection of humorous anecdotes, poems, and witty one-liners sure to reap a bountiful harvest of laughter. Guest also loves his wife of 40 years who plays a prominent role in the book, as well as serving as his “typist, editor, conscience and sometimes waitress.” Whether you’re a lifetime farmer or a city-slicker, you’re sure to love this book and the author ’s infectious and delightful brand of self-deprecating humor. From “Me a writer? That might be a stretch” to “You might be a Cattleman if…” to the “Dear Double G” not so sage advice columns, this book lives up to its name!
Fertilizer for the Funnybone Activity Book
Coloring and activity on the farm with Gary Guest. Can you solve the puzzles and color within the lines? Can you name the farmer and his animals? This coloring and activity book will keep you busy for hours and have you laughing at the same time.
Fertilizer for the Funnybone II
Back for the second round of belly roars, Gary Guest is still dishing up the humor by dishing on the hilarious events in his life as a farmer. Roll with Gary as he tells tales that are almost too funny to be true…but not quite…because most of them are true!
Finding Constance
Growing up in small town America in the shadow of the great depression, Constance uses humor, sarcasm, and wit to tell her captivating stories of innocence, illness, romance, broken dreams and finding peace.
The foundation of our faith determines our practice of it. Followers of Jesus today have the benefit—and the hindrance—of hindsight. Looking back from this side of the cross, it’s easy to understand the benefits of our salvation. Is it enough to know we are saved from our sins? How would it feel to experience the Good News from the beginning? Would it change how we represent Jesus today if we were also saved to something?
For It Is by Grace
Fast paced reading, ever changing subject matter, hard to put down book about the greatest gift ever given and the price that was paid for that gift. Share this book with your family and friends.
Gold City
The War of Rebellion is over. The great expansion to the west has begun. It is frontier, not of just land, but of heart and spirit. Only the strongest survive. This is the saga of a town of individuals who refused to give up, their struggles chronicled, their joy and despair a written word. There is the doctor, new to the town, a man with a secret and a price on his head. There is the sheriff, a man who knows his best days are behind him. There is the blacksmith, a freed slave, who along with his wife seeks validation in a white world. There is the madam whose heart is as big as the west. There is the wife whose husband may be the devil himself. There is the friend who choses to be only that. There is the tomboy who captures the soul of a warrior. A town, new, and on the verge of legend. The place – Gold City.
Houdini the cat
Having a cat is great except when it is a magic cat that disappears all of the time. Discover where Houdini goes when he vanishes.
How To Enter A Writing Contest and Win
Are you an aspiring author who has been writing a short story, a novel, or a children’s book? Maybe you’ve written a recipe guide, business guide, or a fitness book? You can make your journey to becoming an author more comfortable by participating in some writing contests. DARE to subject your work to careful scrutiny and expert review by entering contests. If your work is accepted, you will take the first giant step towards a successful career as an author!
I Was Ten Years  Old When I Went for A Walk
Diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, John Anderson shares his uplifting story of God's constant gifts and how we need to keep our eyes and hearts open to them, especially during times of trial. John faces his diagnosis with his loving family, friends, and God's presence each day.
I’ve Finally Lost It

When Nick Dewhurst experienced the ending of a friendship, he felt a great sense of loss and grief. With I’ve Finally Lost It, Nick takes a look at many different types of grief that often go overlooked. Many books will focus on the loss of a parent or loss of a spouse, while this book covers those topics it also dives into some very personal stories regarding the loss of a job, a pet, a best friend, faith and even an entire identity.

Nick leverages all his experiences as a United States Navy chaplain, firefighter, youth pastor, father, and husband to demonstrate that many types of grief and loss are common to everyone. Instead of reading this book through the eyes of a counselor or psychiatrist, you can read it as if you’re on a journey with a new friend.

These emotionally written short stories combined with humor and scriptural truth use a personal touch to help anyone experiencing all types of loss know that they are not alone as they walk their path of grief.
It All Started With A Pie
Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art. - Gesine Lemcke A collection of Recipes baked and tested in the Sweet Magnolia Pie Shoppe in Lexington, Kentucky. Mimi’s Secrets from the Sweet Magnolia Pie Shoppe! “When we had a family gathering or Holiday celebration, Mimi always brought the desserts!  We counted on her to bring pies, cakes, and yeast rolls.  Our family was spoiled for 25 years!  We all went into withdrawal when she sold her business!” “Oh Taste and See that the Lord is Good; Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him!” - Psalm 34:8 NIV
Jamie Shai and His Superpower
With great challenges comes a child who found his superpower. Born with Cerebral Palsy and incredible challenges, unable to eat, walk or talk, Jamie found a way to make people ‘feel’ and for people to see him, to know him, lighting up a world in need of more love and laughter. There are such great positives that exist despite one’s challenges.  It’s so important to embrace children who are different and for the world to really see them and show just how awesome they are. Jamie has the power to show you his heart and soul, to light up your world, to slow you down and make you think, to change your day. Jamie has rocked our world, and in ways we could never have imagined.   He has, in more ways than we can count, been our greatest inspiration.  We all want the best and most we can give our children to give them the best start in life.  Sometimes plans turn out a little differently, and sometimes we are all the better for it and our eyes are opened to a world we never dreamed of or expected but are so incredibly grateful for. My heart burst with a million emotions when Jamie realized his superpower. By Lara Nathan
Just Live
On October 10, 1997, Jeff Morris attempted suicide for the first time. Over the next decade, Jeff would attempt five more times and think about suicide more times than he could count. Mental illness cost Jeff his career and his marriage, but it did not cost him his life. This book was written to help others like Jeff who have dealt with serious mental illness learn from what he has been through in his life.
Just One Guy’s Stories
People have a lot of experiences throughout their lives. Some are good, some are bad, and most have taught us valuable lessons about life and made us who and what we are today. One of the most enjoyable times in a person’s life is sitting around talking with their old friends or family members and sharing their favorite life experiences. Everyone will laugh and cry and feel a special comfort in their souls knowing they shared these fond memories together. When my friends and family members read my stories, I know it will bring them this comfort because they lived it with me. When those who don’t know me read my stories, I believe they will feel comfort, too, because I’ve always felt everyone has had similar life experiences and will relate to mine somehow. There are so many people in the world, but no matter who you are or where you live, when you share your stories with someone, you share your life and at least a small part of your heart and soul. That’s what I hope I’ve done with mine.
Lili and Bunni Go on Unicorn Safari
This is an adventure story about a little girl named Lili with her best friend, Bunni. Mom and Dad are taking Lili and her little best friend bunny on a safari trip. Although mom and dad have told her that she wouldn't be able to find Unicorns. This has made Lili determined and very impatient to prove them wrong. So off Lili and Bunni set on a safari drive, dressed to be the best Unicorn she and Bunni can be, in the hopes of finding her unicorn. Lili and Bunni get to see some exciting animals. And as she goes along, Lili finds herself in the predicament of learning how to enjoy all the exciting animals she gets to see on her Safari trip. Lili draws all the animals she gets to see... Lili soon discovers that uncovering and spotting all the safari animals can be just as fun as looking for the Unicorn. But just when Lili wants to give up on her Unicorn finding. guess what she and Bunni stumble upon? In this adventure, Lili learns the importance of being patient and learning to be happy and content at the moment and not to miss out on all the fun around her just because she did not get her own way. This story is based on a true adventure of Aliyah and her little pink stuffed bunny.
Lili and Bunni Series bundle
From $52.97
A Champion is BornShe was just a newborn puppy but her mother Tanzi saw something special deep inside of her pup. There was courage, and confidence, along with passion and purpose. Tanzi also saw a healthy measure of wisdom. Smiling to herself Tanzi knew that her pup had the heart of a champion.$8.99 – $14.99 […]
Lili and Bunni, The Camping Cowgirls
Daddy, Mommy, Lili, Bunni and her older brother, Jordy, go on a camping trip into the woods. Daddy has a surprise for these little adventurers, and Mommy gives them a task to keep them busy. Hmm...we wonder what the surprise is? Listening to instruction can be hard. Lili, Bunni, and Jordy soon find out.
Lili and Bunni’s Mermaid Adventure
A story based on true events of a little girl named Aliyah. She goes on her adventures with her stuffed bunny. In this book, Lili & Bunni go on a wild adventure with a new friend. They end up meeting some interesting friends along the way and learning new skills as they play.
Love Magic
Love Magic is a comforting story about 6-year-old Charlie who is missing her grandfather “Pop Pop”, who has recently passed to Heaven. Gramma reminds Charlie how Pop Pop told her before he passed that “The most important things in life are not seen with the eyes but felt with the heart”, and that all she had to do was think of him and he would be there. This beautiful story is a reminder that love is eternal and that we can always connect with those we love through remembering, visualization, signs, synchronicities and sharing Love Bubbles.

Mom and I Disagree
Moms and kids disagree on a lot of issues. After one particular morning full of disagreements over just about everything, this book was written by a stressed-out mom and deals with the debates over bedtime, chores, bicycling rules, and movie choices.  While trying to understand why so many rules exist, the child in the book realizes the rules are in place for his safety and health, and because he is loved. Parents everywhere can relate to disagreements over family rules.  Hopefully, as parents read Mom and I Disagree with their children they can reassure their children that the rules of their home are made out of concern and love.
Moringa Matters
Moringa Matters! The title begs the obvious question, “WHY?” Why have you likely never heard of Moringa? What is this five-thousand-year-old panacea plant? Why did it go missing and vanish from the nutritional horizon? Of course, the most practical question is why is it so critical that we NOW get this plant into our bodies in the most bioavailable enzymatically form possible? The answer is obvious. The food chain has been broken, and whether it has been done deliberately or not, the fact remains that it is. As Dr. Fisher opines, “we have a good idea what are the factors in major diseases and the solutions to these are absent from our food chain.”  The Monsanto lawsuit finding emphasizes this imperative. Moringa Oleifera may, in fact, be the world’s best kept nutritional secret.  Moringa oleifera may be the world’s most phytonutrient dense plant ever discovered. Moringa Matters because it may be the plant that possesses the ability to positively transform the current status of health and decrease the incidence of disease around the world. Moringa Matters because your life and health matter, as do the lives and health of your loved ones. Moringa Matters because this plant was a gift from our wise and loving Creator and perhaps there has never been such a time as this when it was more desperately needed.
Moringa Oleifera
We have a good idea what the factors are in major diseases, and sadly the solutions to these are absent from our food chain.  For decades we have known that oxidative stress plays a major role in the onset and etiology of diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. Sadly this has never been made common knowledge. If you are seeking a solution, some of the answers are inside this book! Do nothing, and your life will continue on the whims of others and enter entropy, however, the decision to take effective action in a proper sequence enabling a proven, predictable formula will allow you to manifest significant change. Continue in those actions, and it will only be a temporal relationship before you achieve the results of that formula: entropy. Which would you rather have? Either can be in your future it all depends on you!    
Music of the Clown

A face is lurking in the darkness. The face of…pure evil.

In 2005, teenager, Christopher Robertson, with some other dropouts started a band. Unbeknownst to them, there is evil hunting them, watches their every move. Evil is coming for each of them…all because of Christopher. What did Christopher do to attract this evil?
My Brother’s Keeper Relearning to live with PTSD
Being ambushed and shot changed me. The event and the experiences after made me question some of my most tightly held beliefs about who I was and what I believed. I felt as though I was a stranger onto myself. My motivations for this writing are as much selfish as they are altruistic. I do not promise anything more than an account of my experiences and the emotions surrounding those experiences. I found a path I believe we all can use to find peace. I hope others can use my experiences to find their individual path to healing. If we can reach just one…
My Mom Marni
Two Lake County Major Crimes Task Force Officers entered the room. They introduced themselves and then the first thing they asked each of us was the most shocking question we could ever imagine. “DO YOU BELIEVE YOUR MOTHER IS CAPABLE OF MURDER?”
Our Little Room

Our Little Room is a simple metaphorical story written to explain Angela’s understanding of her relationship to God. She uses the concept of a private space that is hers alone with God. It is simple enough for a small child to hear yet with a depth that adults everywhere can receive and relate to. It’s a reminder that somewhere before things in life got complicated and intellectual, we all had an uncontaminated simple happiness inside. Our Little

Room is a gentle instructional guide to finding that place again.
Prince of the Frogs
Brylan loves frogs. He takes them to school with him. He hides them in his sister's purse and in her bed. What he really wants is to have a frog as a pet he can keep in his room. Will his parents ever let him?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant demands of being a woman? Have you ever regretted your behavior in certain situations?  Have you ever blamed God for your decisions? Yes, to all the above! Why don’t we be more honest - a lot of us have answered yes to these questions. We forget that we can only control one thing —ourselves. We forget to stop taking life so seriously and laugh at our own faults.  Instead, we laugh at each other and break ourselves down in the process. It’s time to share our sisterhood in Christ and eliminate the competition we create by replacing it with love. You are not alone. Find a quiet space, grab a pen, and let’s get started bettering you.
Red Wings Through The Forest
The book Red Wings Through the Forest details my 40- year hike through the Missouri Ozarks as a Forester and subsequently every state west of Missouri as a Wildland Fire Fighter. My monthly activity reports detailed the stories of me wading through creeks and stomping out fires. I chose the most interesting stories over that period of time compiling this book. I let my boots do the talking and I take the reader along on this hike as we travel through the woods, fight fire, and meet some amazing folks along the way.
Remembering Missouri’s Lookout Towers – A Place above the Trees
For half a century Bob Frakes pursued his “Forest Lookout Tower” hobby. All the time he collected papers, pictures, stories and friends. He was urged to put his memories down in a book and not let them be forgotten. “Remembering Missouri’s Lookout Towers – A Place above the Trees” is finished. It contains history. What preceded and created a need for the towers? It has stories. What is the goat doing on the top steps? It has technical information. What is the difference between an LS-40 and a MC-39? It has interviews. Those who worked the towers remember. It has submissions. Individuals who lived the life share their thoughts on themselves, what it was like and relatives. Others share their technical knowledge on fire finders, dispatch maps, the forest today, map projects, dozers, etc. And of course, there are the pictures. The book contains over 300  images. Some are archival and one of a kind and many are in color. You can take a tower trip and never leave your living room. You will also find tower names, towers moved, Bucksnort Foodstand, tower mysteries, Smokey Bear, the Royal Order of Squirrels, wood towers, steel towers, lookouts not towers, drone shots, and much more. Missouri is often cited as the nation’s #1 conservation success story. Come examine this part of the story as to how it got that way.
We love Jesus, no question about that. Church? Frustrating sometimes, isn’t it? We know gathering with other believers is important, but many of us are suffering from PTSD: Post-Traumatic Sanctuary Disorder. Is there a practical path forward for frustrated believers both outside and inside the structure of today’s church? What motivates us to pursue a revival of the mission we have been given?
Rich Herrin A Head Coach Ahead of His Time
The story of how Rich Herrin spent his life influencing young lives and transforming a small coal mining community into a basketball powerhouse.
Doug Collins (NBA Coach, '72 Olympian): "When I was growing up...I wanted to be Coach Herrin. Think about it...He was tough, fair, and honest. I never heard him say a swear word...he was just a good Christian man. I wanted a family like Coach Herrin...a wife like Sue. I wanted to coach and teach and give back like Coach Herrin." Rich Yunkus (Georgia Tech All-Time Leading Scorer): "Coach Herrin never expected anything out of you that he didn't expect himself. He had an unbelievable work ethic and led by example. He cared for you as a person and not just an athlete." Dick Corn (Pinckneyville High School Coaching Legend ): "As great a coach as he was and as passionate as he was toward basketball...his greatest achievements were as a husband, dad, grandfather and dearest friend to many."
Rocky, I’m Loved Even When I’m Bad
Rocky, was rescued by Mrs. S. but she didn’t know just how bad he could be. Rocky is radical, rebellious, and rambunctious. He chews shoes, steering wheels, and steel doors. Will Mrs. S. keep Rocky or take him back to the shelter? Find out if Mrs. S. loves Rocky even when he is bad.
Sailing Into the Light
There is no better time to read a story to a friend or a loved one than when they are leaving this body and making their transition into the next Life. It is a time that can frighten us or fill us with sadness for our impending loss. If we can fill our hearts and minds with loving words and images of a Life beyond this Life, it can soothe us and the dear one we wish to help on their journey. Don’t wait to read a eulogy after your Loved One is gone. Read a short story—a metaphor—inspired by a poem almost 200 years old. A sailing ship leaves the shore and as well-wishers shout their goodbyes, those on a distant shore chime their welcome. Ease the journey of anyone you care about by reading Sailing into the Light aloud to them.
Sarah in the Greatness Chair
When Sarah learns about the Greatness Chair from Avi during the show and tell at school, she can't wait to find her greatness too! But she can't figure it out. Zoe answers her call for help and teaches her how to find the best in herself and her friends with a secret, surprising formula.
Seduction & Revenge
Curiosities peak when Aria and Mac each receive an ominous message confirming their worst suspicions— their conflicts with the menacing Halprins are far from over. Now Aria must search for additional answers regarding her family's darkest secrets, and Mac is determined to find his runaway sister despite the risks. When Aria and Mac are lured to the dark world of sexy Sin City, seduction and revenge will test the depths of their love. Still haunted by the past and challenged by the future, Aria has a disturbing dream that threatens the happiness she and Mac so desperately deserve. Now the troubled lovers must prepare for a chilling resolution that suggests the unthinkable and holds the unknown.
Selfish is a Superpower
In a powerful twist, Jessica Dennehy demonstrates that getting SELFISH can enable you to fearlessly pursue your happiness, create a dynamic brand, and live the life of your dreams. Discover how you can dominate in business, family, and finance all by embracing the fact that Selfish is a Superpower.
Set the Example
This short read will cover nine principles that can help shift someone’s mental framework to where it needs to be to accomplish goals and overcome procrastination.  If you need an extra push to accomplish those career and personal goals, this book can help. It is developed as a guide to refer to from time to time when a mental framework shift is needed.
Shadows into the Light
Ryan has been letting his life slip away. Obsessed with proving that superheroes exist in the city he loses his job. Behind on his rent he decides to get his life back on track. That is until he meets an actual hero. Getting involved in his mission to clean up the city. Moving deeper and deeper as he helps him track people down. Giving him information as best as he can. The hero getting closer to finishing his mission despite not knowing his own identity. Keeping it hidden from himself after an attack leaves his memory at a loss. Together they work together to track down the bad guys. Getting into fights and causing havoc to try and keep the city safe. Only it turns out that their lives weren’t so separate before they met. The memory loss getting brought back by another superhero. The photographer’s family turning out to be those heroes. He must realize that his loss of family wasn’t because they didn’t care. Because they didn’t know what to do when he lost his memory. Coming together to end the mission. Coming to peace with both sides of his life.
Sharing Christmas
 It’s the last day of school before Christmas break. Mrs. C is opening her gifts from the class. What does she receive? What lesson does she have to share with them before they leave?
Shhhh . . . Can You Hear the Songs of Angels?
Shhhh . . . Can You Hear the Songs of Angels? is a love story. It is for every child. It is designed to acquaint children with natural sounds, even the sound of silence. Children can learn to be still and listen to external sounds ~ and internal ones. What a gift to have your child settle, to listen attentively, to play a game of listening for sounds often lost in the busyness of modern life. Let your children tell you about what they hear. Perhaps it will be sounds you have learned to tune out. Perhaps it will be Songs of Angels.
Since You’ve Been Gone
Since You’ve Been Gone is a story of losing someone who has impacted your life in every way, and the struggle of moving on without them there. Often times a loss is sudden and unexpected. How do you go from them being there one day and gone the next? I hope this story helps people begin to move forward and at the same time helps them focus on the impact that the person they lost had, by focusing on what made them such a special force in their lives.
Soul Sanctum
Jayce Leonard, formerly a football coach at his high school alma mater, has now moved on to the college ranks. Now he coaches at Yearwood State University where he once starred as a collegiate quarterback. Life is good for Jayce: a great job, a supportive and thriving family, and good relationships with those he works with. And yet, as a scandal begins to surface and rock his beloved football program, Jayce’s character will be tested in a way never before experienced. The sequel to John Gibson’s award-winning Soul Sprints, Soul Sanctum will have you cheering for the home team like never before.
Soul Sprints

"Lake Barrow, Florida is a small, central Florida farming community which prides itself on loving three things: faith, family, and the mighty Spartans of Sims County High. The tiny Bible-belt town is also home to a long-standing feud between two of its most prominent families, the Gills and the Danforths.


Jayce Leonard is a hometown football hero from Lake Barrow who is all too familiar with the Gill-Danforth controversy. After achieving success as a college quarterback at a small university, Jayce is called home in 2003 to coach at his alma mater at the age of twenty-four, making him the youngest high school head coach in the state of Florida. However, he soon finds himself squarely in the middle of his hometown’s checkered history again as he seeks to start a family and successfully lead his beloved Spartans on the gridiron. Alongside him is his college teammate and best friend, Soul Rasheed. "Coach Soul," as he is known to the team, is a Muslim and former favorite receiving target of Jayce's whose enthusiasm and charisma quickly endear him to the players. However, Soul's presence in Lake Barrow - along with his faith - soon generates fresh strife in the midst of the ongoing discord that has plagued Jayce’s small town for years.


Soul Sprints is a football tale of love, friendship, tolerance, and the ties of family and community that bind, even in the unceasing presence of bitterness and prejudice in post-9/11 America."

Jessica Louise Chrisman wishes the summer of 1963 would never end. Entering Stevenston’s shared Junior/Senior High this fall scares the oxfords off her twisted foot. According to her best friend Allie, it will be a whole new wonderful romantic world. But Jessie has her doubts. She would rather play side yard baseball clear through December.
Spoon Song
 Sister is the youngest in her family. She dreams of being a part of her family band; to make something so beautiful it will make the mountains ring!
Stripes For Tom
Tom needs help. He doesn’t have any stripes. How can he be a tiger with no stripes? His friend knows how to help him, but first, they must go into the city. The townsfolk are afraid of him. They want to lock him in a cage. Will you help Tom get his stripes?
Thank You, Lord, for the Privilege
Eunice Redeker-Hausler grew up on a small farm in Southern Illinois, a child born into a family of seven siblings. Hard work was expected. A one room school was commonplace, and from there being one of the first to go to high school which opened up the world. College became possible with hard work. A teaching degree in Lutheran Education led to teaching in the U.S., Papua New Guinea, and China. Marrying an Australian gentleman fulfilled the great adventure.
The Adventures of Taz: Taz Goes for A Ride
Join Taz (J.P.’s Service Dog) as she heads out on the road to adventure! Taz and her friends take on their first of many adventures in The Adventures of Taz: Taz Goes for a Ride. As a service dog, Taz provides support for J.P. and the stories of her adventures will provide the same for our young readers as Taz takes on new challenges in each of her new tales. In The Adventures of Taz: Taz Goes for a Ride, she takes a ride to the dog park to meet up with her friends.  Going to new places can be really scary sometimes, but it opens the possibility of meeting some new and exciting friends! Come along with Taz as she heads out on the road to a new adventure!
The American Dream: Love, Lust, and Lies
Born into a poor immigrant family, Charles works diligently to rise out of poverty. Because of this determination, he graduates from a university. While he is attending there, he meets the love of his life, Joann, who is from the opposite end of the social and economic spectrum. After graduation, Charles and Joann are married. They purchase Joann’s dreamhouse, an idyllic home in the neighborhood where she grew up. The happy couple has two wonderful children, Elizabeth and Edward. Joann becomes a professor at her alma mater while Charles is a traveling salesman achieving his childhood goal of living an affluent lifestyle. Their lives cannot get any better than this! But can things get worse? After the children grow up and move away, Joann commits an “indiscretion” which causes the couple’s model marriage to crumble. Charles is diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease. Will Joann be able to make the necessary amends for Charles to be willing to restore their marriage? Will Charles beat the doctor’s diagnosis and go back to living the American Dream? The American Dream: Love, Lust, and Lies is a vivid, thought-provoking story that challenges the notion that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! But even if it is, what will it require to keep it that way?
The Best Bedtime Story Ever
Do you want to improve your child’s behavior? An undiscovered window to guiding your children is open while they sleep! During this time your child’s developing ego-mind is quiet and cannot disagree or talk back. This is an open door for a caring parent to suggest alternative thoughts, feelings, and actions. A belief that your child holds like “Kids pick on me,” becomes “Other children treat you with kindness,” or “Other kids like you,” or simply, “You are loved.” As a parent, you can generate affirmations of love, kindness, and happiness in the minds of your children. This is a sacred trust. Your children are watching, listening, and imitating you and other role models throughout each day. Sleep is a time to suggest the best to your children to enhance their self-esteem and their regard for others.
The Best Interest
Nick Barnett, 41, small town divorce lawyer, divorced himself and trying to cope with being an every other weekend dad to his teenage daughter has his life changed when he agrees to represent the beautiful Livinia “Livie” Taylor in a bitter divorce and custody battle against her wealthy husband, Dr. Daniel Taylor over there three year old daughter. At first, Nick is confident of prevailing in the custody fight. But as he learns more about Livie’s past and discovers what she may be capable of, Nick is put to the ultimate choice, betray his own client, or zealously continue to represent Livie and put lives at risk.

The Booger Boy
A lighthearted, funny story that REALLY happened when a young boy finds himself in a very icky, sticky, and gross predicament. He describes in detail a little more than we want to know!
The Boy Who Loved Chocolate
Do you love chocolate? I do! I want chocolate every day! I love Easter because I get chocolate! I put chocolate on everything! If mom would let me put it on broccoli, I would eat it! What can I put chocolate on next?
The Bully
Spike is mean and thinks it’s fun to treat people badly. Then he has a bad dream that shows him what his what his life will soon be like. Find out what Spike learned from his bad dream about what happens to bullies.

The Bunker Eleven Down
“Who knows Bob,” John said to the Colonel in a solemn tone. “As far as I am aware, nobody has ever done what we are about to do. Think about it: we are going to put twelve strangers in a bunker one hundred feet underground, and then tell them that all we are going to do is observe their interactions while they perform basic tasks for two weeks. Then we are going to fake a cataclysmic event followed by a complete disconnect for an additional two weeks while we secretly monitor their meltdown from inside. After two weeks of subliminal messaging, and with our guy inside feeding fear into them, they will think World War Three has happened and they are the lone survivors trapped one hundred feet underground. How would you react, Bob?” John asked the Colonel. HOW WOULD YOU REACT?
The Chronicles of Cypuric
Kira used to think that she was a perfectly ordinary twelve-year- old girl. That all changed when she saw a dragon crash land at her school--a dragon who spoke to her and warned her of an incoming evil. Before Kira even had time to come to terms with this news, she was taken from her family’s backyard by a… boy wearing rocket boots? After fighting (and miraculously winning against) her evil vice principal-turned-dragon, Kira learned that she, too, was a dragon. Kira, now going by her dragon’s name Kirvam, reentered her homeland of Cypuric, land of the dragons, and united with the Dragon Keepers in order to save Cypuric from the insidious clutches of the dragon Kios.
The Chronicles of Cypuric The Dragon Stone
Tom has been an orphan all of his life. Bouncing from orphanage to orphanage, somehow never landing in a foster home, Tom was getting sick and tired of never having a place to call home. His luck seems to have changed for the better, though, on the day that a mysterious man shows up to take care of Tom, Tom was ecstatic--at first. He quickly learned that this man was not what he seemed. The man, with the help of the orphanage bully, transformed into dragons and attempted to take Tom away from the closest thing he’d ever had to a home. Before the man could take Tom away from Earth, a portal opened, and a teen showed up to rescue Tom. Barely making it out with their lives, the teen introduced himself as Kyle and revealed to Tom that Tom was a dragon. Tom, reeling from this news, initially took some time to adjust to his new almost- dragon life. After a shapeshift attempt and some minor training from the Dragon Keepers, Tom and the Dragon Keeper Cierra tried to steal back the only magical relic that can turn Tom into his true dragon form. But this dragon form was not what Tom expected. Before he could adjust to his new life, Kios attacked the Dragon Keepers’ home. Tom and the Dragon Keepers fought for their home and won, but they had to come to terms with the devastating betrayal that followed their victory. At least Tom--now Tognar--finally had a family and a place to call home.
The Custodian Breaking the Circle
In the Custodian: Circle of Sorrow we find out who the Custodian is. Now we find out why 67A Broughton Road has trapped souls within its walls for almost three centuries. Can the newest occupant, Lydia, a woman in hiding from spousal abuse by a barrister specializing in spousal abuse, and ghosthunter, Irving Stofferson, break the circle and end the misery surrounding the house? And what do the Pendle Witches, the demon of wealth and a rogue seraph have to do with the place? Open the book and find out. It will not disappoint.
The Custodian Circle of Sorrows
One socially inept man lost in the past and looking for love. One nameless lady ghost lost in the present and trapped inside his new home. One shared connection neither understand: until it's too late. Will either break the circle of sorrows?
The Depth of the Riches
The man found himself in a great valley. Not remembering how he had arrived, the man began searching for answers. After experiencing several strange events the man was convinced he had stumbled into an area of secret experimentation conducted by the government. Join him on his journey into the valley where he discovers his destiny, A unique story of faith, hope, love, and truth.
The Fence
Max Miller, a nineteen-year-old Civil War reenactor is a college freshman in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Max is looking forward to four years of normal college life, but his time spent at school turns out to be anything but normal. He meets an eighteen-year-old Mennonite girl, which results in the loss of his part-time job. He also finds himself in danger of being sued and suffers numerous injuries from an attack. Two men in his life, a college roommate and a wealthy Mennonite farmer are making Max’s life very stressful but then he discovers the fence and things are not what they seem to be.
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