A Champion is Born
She was just a newborn puppy but her mother Tanzi saw something special deep inside of her pup. There was courage, and confidence, along with passion and purpose. Tanzi also saw a healthy measure of wisdom. Smiling to herself Tanzi knew that her pup had the heart of a champion.
A New Song
A New Song is a compilation of Christian Poetry penned over Elizabeth’s lifetime. This is her first published book and we hope she will share many more with us as her gift is truly from up above.

A Brand New Song

I will not pass this way again

Nor tarry here too long

I’m going to another place

A place where I belong.

A land where milk and honey flow

And the streets are paved with gold

Where there will be no pain or death

Where I will not grow old.

There I will meet my Savior

And those who’ve gone before

We’ll worship God and sing His praise

Christ Jesus whom we adore.

When I see the pearly gates open

I will hear Him call to me

I’ll look beyond the Jordan’s bank

And His radiant face I’ll see.

I will not be down-hearted

I will shout a brand new song

I will be upon the golden shore

Upon the brand new morn.

So please don’t cry don’t shed one tear

I can’t tarry here too long

Cause I’m going to another place

A place where I belong.

A Question of Innocence
David Rathman, Martin County State’s Attorney, has every reason to believe that the biggest case of his career is a lead pipe cinch conviction. After all, Carolyn Gallagher admittedly shot her sleeping husband, Dr. Grant Gallagher, twice in the head from a range of no more than two inches. But, as Carolyn’s attorney, harried and overworked Martin County Public Defender, Karen Pellegrini, learns about the Gallagher marriage and what went on behind closed doors, she realizes she has been given the greatest challenge and responsibility a criminal defense attorney can assume: defending a truly innocent client. Then when celebrity attorney, Marcus Jackson, learns of the case and smells publicity, he volunteers to join the defense team. And little Martin County prepares to become the venue for the murder trial of the decade. Can Karen and Marcus convince a local jury that the revered, Dr. Gallagher was in truth, a monster, and Carolyn, a battered spouse who acted in self-defense? Or will even more secrets be uncovered?
A Son is given
A Child is born. A Son is given who by his sacrificial blood offers deliverance from sin. He will return not as the sacrificial lamb of God but as the ruler of all nations. Ruling with an iron scepter as he provides never-ending peace and justice.
Babies Know
Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology is a multidisciplinary approach that explores in depth the biological, psychological, mental, emotional, and social development of babies as they grow into unique individuals through their relationship with caregivers. It honors the essence of life throughout the entire lifespan, and emphasizes the significance of the earliest formative relationship, which create the foundation for all subsequent interactions with others.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Evie wished for an uncommon love.  What she got was otherworldly...and a man named Rick Remington.  He’d open her eyes to much more than a life of wealth and privilege.  He’d help her see a bond that crossed all boundaries when facing the unimaginable.  Then find herself again as she answered the very statement that set their time together in motion -- “Be Careful What You Wish For.”
Before the BADGE
Dominick Izzo has been a thorn in the side of Police Command since his first Police Department when he refused to accept the status quo of allowing village officials and police commanding officers to operate with the falsehood that they were above the same law he swore to uphold. Having served as a police officer from 2001 until 2016. He served with full distinction and full disobedience for corruption. Izzo took on the challenges of the command of all three of the departments he was sworn to serve, never sitting by and watching the politics of the system work against the citizens or the officers who were subject to such corrupt members. From refusing to sleep with a village official, to exposing the abuses of power of a village mayor and his father to the sacrificing of his career to take on the most corrupt police chief and his actions, Dominick Izzo honored his oath to the Constitution and those he swore to protect. Before the Badge is all about just that. Doing what is right, no matter the cost to you personally or professionally. Your name and integrity are what matters the most in a profession of sharks who'll eat their own, proving that the Thin Blue Line is stuff movies are made of when it comes to any officer who challenges those who threaten the ideals law enforcement is held to. Considered an emotional "how-to" for the street cop, Before the Badge is a must-read for anyone who is a cop, knows a cop or has dreams of becoming a cop and wants their badge to shield and protect their own heart.
Before the Past Escapes Us
A compilation of short stories where characters search deep within themselves to confront the life changing events of their past that have led them to the present. A fiction book ranging across many genres from horror to lighthearted comedy.
Bigger Than Jussie: The Disturbing Need For A Modern-Day Lynching
When Jussie Smollett took Bola Osundairo under his wing, grooming him for greater roles in Hollywood, the UNTHINKABLE happens… Bola Osundairo couldn’t believe his luck when actor, Jussie Smollett, took an interest in him. He barely knew the man when he was hired to be an extra on the hit show Empire. Within a short time, thanks to Jussie’s assistance, Bola became a stand-in. His star was on the rise. Ola Osundairo became an extra on Empire before Bola. Soon he was in a picture with the creator of the show that was posted on Instagram. His acting career was blasting off. When Jussie asks for a favor, Bola is only too happy to help. At first, when he heard Jussie’s plan, he thought it was a joke. Why would Jussie need a modern-day lynching? Jussie assured him things like this were normal in Hollywood. When Jussie asked if Bola knew of someone who could help, Bola knew his brother, Ola, would be perfect. Things didn’t go as planned, at least the brothers didn’t think so. Ola was instructed by Jussie to place one of the ‘props’, a rope made into a noose, around Jussie’s neck. But that didn’t happen. Ola got spooked and ran off before doing so. When word got out about the modern-day lynching, the brothers learned when Jussie reported the ‘crime’ he wore the noose. Why did he put the noose around his own neck? No man would ever willingly put a noose on themselves, much less a black man! Suddenly, Bola and Ola find themselves outcasts in Hollywood, dropped by a major casting agency, and their lives totally turned upside down. Who are Ola and Bola Osundairo? They are so much more than the ‘attackers’ in Jussie’s modern-day lynching hoax. Get to know the American-Nigerian brothers. Find out why Jussie knew Bola would agree to help him before he ever asked him to. The truth of this hoax comes to light through text messages, emails, and never-before-seen evidence that removes all doubt of the brother's involvement and explains why Bola and Ola agreed to take on this role. Was Jussie really trying to help the Osundairo brothers, or was he preparing them for the acting role that would prevent them from ever acting again? Take a deep dive into the Smollett case, with a special emphasis on the biographical elements. As Bola and Ola strive to rise from the ashes, they are troubled by unanswered questions which leads to their quest for the truth. What they learn brings to light one controversial question that when combined with historical facts leaves one to think, was there a political need for modern-day lynching? Was the real motive Bigger Than Jussie?
Blessed by God Led by the Spirit
The sequel to Thank You Lord for the Privilege delves more deeply into the day-to-day workings of God moving in the life of one of His servants. This same God also works through the lives of others (church leaders, relatives, and worldwide friends), to support and encourage the author throughout the decades of her life. Through this memoir, we also are taken along to tour many countries in the world, as she shares her travel experiences and highlights.
Bobby’s First Day
Bobby’s First Day recounts the events of the day Bobby was born, through the eyes of newborn Bobby, who is seeing and experiencing the world for the first time. This charming, rhyming story shows us the confusing and funny way the world must seem to a baby and is engaging for both parents telling the story and the children listening.
Bola and Ola Play a Prank
Who wants to play a prank? Brothers, Bola, and Ola do! They play them on their siblings and their other family members. Sometimes the pranks don’t go the way they thought they would. When they are older, the brothers agree to help a friend with a prank. What happens when the prank goes wrong? Will the police be called?
The people I’m going to tell you about in this story are long gone.  The winds of Time have blown miles of dirt over their graves.  History left them behind, lore and legend never got it correct.  This story needs to be told, I’m sure that I am the only one left alive that knows it.  All that’s left are my memories and some old faded pictures.  I don’t have much time left, so here is the true story of my family, the Little Rose Gang.
Brooklyn’s Bridge
On September 28, 1924, German immigrants Henry and Ella Borgman arrived in New York Harbor along with hundreds of others who dreamed of a better life in America. A year later, on their route home across the Brooklyn Bridge in the middle of a New York City traffic jam, Ella goes into labor and gives birth to a son. They name him Brooklyn “Brooks” Borgman after the bridge which, to them, embodied the American “can-do” attitude they had come to love. Life wasn’t easy for the Borgman's, but they trust “the good Lord,” work hard and “get by with a little help from their friends” in the small town of Anomie, Kansas where they are forced to move after the depression. Henry becomes an airplane mechanic and Brooks starts spending lots of time with Dad at the hangar where he develops an aptitude for flying planes. Shortly before his 19th birthday, Brooks is drafted into the army during World War II. It soon becomes apparent that both the providence that ordered his parents’ lives and his own has been preparing him for his time in the service. Brooks quickly distinguishes himself as the best of his class and is pressed into dangerous duty. Against overwhelming odds, Brooks selflessly volunteers to put himself in harm’s way to aid a crucial mission, earning him the love of his fellow soldiers and the respect of his superiors. It will also win him the hearts and admiration of his countrymen but will he live to see it?
Building Brains with Music

Anyone who has a child in their life, whether as a parent, family member, teacher, or someone else involved in the child’s care, should read this book. The information contained will change how you view music. It will not only have a positive, direct impact on the child; it will have an impact on you, the reader, as well.

Every parent or teacher has the capability of using music.  Would more of them take the time to sing and dance if they knew how valuable taking the time was?  If one of the basic tools for building a brain was music, would you use it?  I am handing you that tool right now with this book.

Come join me as we begin Building Brains with Music.
Cody Carpenter
Cody Carpenter never desired to dwell in a land where walking and talking are prohibited; sleeping and eating are neither required nor desired, and night comes but darkness doesn't. Cody is quite content to remain in Betugonna Missit, a quaint town few people have ever wanted to visit. Then, a most unfortunate event occurs and a disappearing draft notice appears. Suddenly Cody is required to report to a world that most people have never believed existed. At an almost abandoned academy, dueling directions, water-walking tournaments and a hero's destiny awaits Cody, but so does a brush with death that reminds him: he has already died.
Confidence Unleashed: Be the Unstoppable Hero of Your Own Heart

Be the unstoppable hero of your own heart.

Have you ever felt the crippling weight of self-doubt overshadowing your abilities?

Have you forgotten your innate power and the divine blueprint of your existence?

Join Lanie D’Souza on a transformative journey, with over two decades of experience empowering thousands of women to embrace self-trust and body love. This path unveils the proud strength of self-compassion, the beauty of gratitude, and the revelation of your authentic self. Embrace the transformative trinity of kindness in your words, thoughts, and actions. Trust in the process as the struggle paints the portrait of your higher self. At its core, gratitude nurtures mind, body, and spirit. It's time to take the first ride to embrace your past, build your confidence, and unleash your true beauty.
After years of alcohol abuse, Raldo Cisneros, a former Marine, is desperate to rekindle his strained relationship with his young daughter. He gets back on his feet and begins working security for a billionaire financier only to discover a dark secret that he feels may cost him his soul. Through the help of his former Navy chaplain - a suffering soul in his own right - Raldo comes to face-to-face with the decision of his life and will be forced to risk it all for those he loves most.  By John Gibson 
Deception & Consequences

Aria is strong enough to survive the mounting dangers alone but grateful she doesn’t have to.

“I’m not going looking for a fight, but I’m not going to back down from one either.”  ~ Aria

“I’ve been wondering for a while now what you would look like right before I kissed you.” ~ Mac

Meeting Simon Longoria on the beach in St. Lucia seemed like a dream come true. For Aria Donaldson it was the vacation of a lifetime complete with sand, sun, and lots of raw, adventurous sex. At the time, Aria had no idea that her encounter with Simon would entwine her with Deuce Halprin, a sinister man determined to destroy her family. When an ominous dream from her childhood begins playing out in real life, Aria is convinced that Simon is somehow involved, and her real nightmare begins.

In the midst of unimaginable danger, Aria meets her guardian angel, her soulmate, her lover— Mac Brunner. As Aria and Mac’s romance heats up, Aria discovers that she is at the center of a nasty family feud that goes back a generation. Aria and Mac now must uncover the family secrets that Deuce Halprin is determined to protect. Haunted by the deception lurking in her past, Aria faces its consequences and finds herself caught between the life she always knew and the reality she must face.

What if Americans grew tired of constant political party rivalries? What if an Independent offered true change and was elected? What if the new President had dirt on all Congress people and judges and could control them? What if financial burdens were lifted off the people and they became prosperous while the President disabled Congress and the courts to shells of their former selves? What if he became President for life, a dictator? Would the distracted people notice? What if one man did notice? Could one man change the course of history?
Dexter Booth and the Last Dragon
Most grandchildren go swimming or enjoy a burger when visiting their grandparents. Dexter helps his grandparents, alongside a clan of wood faeries, save the last dragon from evil as old as time during his weekend visit.
Don’t Touch That Box
He lived with a box in a closet for five decades. A box he told them not to touch. During those years their lives were consumed with the tragedies of death, mental illness, a house fire, the Great Depression, and war. In this true story, Author Karin Wargel delves into the lifetime of the strong, talented genius who was the father of twelve children and her grandfather, Paul Schultetus. She discovers how they were able to carry on; by teaching the constellations from blankets in the yard on starry nights; by teaching a foreign language at breakfast; by having the rare library and radio in the neighborhood; and by making home-made ice cream in an old sorghum can. The family was still able to find much joy and happiness that was provided every day by hard-working, loving parents. Karin also visited Germany and acquaints herself with the lives of her ancestors and the well-known historical events they surmounted. They fled France during the routing of the Huguenots. They lived under the scourge of Communism. Her greatest discovery was the genes they possessed and sent to America that affected the lives of their descendants. What secrets does the mysterious box hold? Who finally has the strength to go against their beloved father and look inside this box after fifty years?
Everything A-Z Coloring and Learning Fun
Bring out the coloring artist of your child while letting them learn A to Z of Animals, Birds, Vegetables, Fruits, and the Wonders of the World. This coloring book for children contains 112 pages keeping your children engaged for more than three months. Coloring the names introduces them to lettering fun. Moreover, we aim to provide children with a chance to learn about what they are coloring by including a short paragraph, providing an introduction of the animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, flowers, in this children's coloring book. So, let your kids color and learn together with their friends.

Fertilizer for the Funnybone
DISCLAIMER: The views represented in this book are not necessarily the views of the United States Department of Agriculture. BUT THEY SHOULD BE! In the increasingly competitive and challenging world of farming, surely a book is needed to educate farmers on how to increase their crop yields. Okay, so this isn’t that book. Or…is it? What if what every farmer really needs is just a good laugh? Gary Guest or “Double G” as he’s known, loves three things: 1. Being a farmer; 2. Dirt; and 3. Making people laugh. In Fertilizer For The Funnybone, he’s fulfilled that mission in sowing a collection of humorous anecdotes, poems, and witty one-liners sure to reap a bountiful harvest of laughter. Guest also loves his wife of 40 years who plays a prominent role in the book, as well as serving as his “typist, editor, conscience and sometimes waitress.” Whether you’re a lifetime farmer or a city-slicker, you’re sure to love this book and the author ’s infectious and delightful brand of self-deprecating humor. From “Me a writer? That might be a stretch” to “You might be a Cattleman if…” to the “Dear Double G” not so sage advice columns, this book lives up to its name!
Fertilizer for the Funnybone Activity Book
Coloring and activity on the farm with Gary Guest. Can you solve the puzzles and color within the lines? Can you name the farmer and his animals? This coloring and activity book will keep you busy for hours and have you laughing at the same time.
Fertilizer for the Funnybone II
Back for the second round of belly roars, Gary Guest is still dishing up the humor by dishing on the hilarious events in his life as a farmer. Roll with Gary as he tells tales that are almost too funny to be true…but not quite…because most of them are true!
Finding Constance
Growing up in small town America in the shadow of the great depression, Constance uses humor, sarcasm, and wit to tell her captivating stories of innocence, illness, romance, broken dreams and finding peace.
The foundation of our faith determines our practice of it. Followers of Jesus today have the benefit—and the hindrance—of hindsight. Looking back from this side of the cross, it’s easy to understand the benefits of our salvation. Is it enough to know we are saved from our sins? How would it feel to experience the Good News from the beginning? Would it change how we represent Jesus today if we were also saved to something?
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