Prince of the Frogs

Brylan loves frogs. He takes them to school with him. He hides them in his sister’s purse and in her bed. What he really wants is to have a frog as a pet he can keep in his room. Will his parents ever let him?


About the Author

Carole Lathrop Moeller

After working as an educator for sixty years, #1 Bestselling author, Carole Lathrop Moeller, retired. She enjoys volunteering when she isn’t spending time with her cats and dogs, or playing in the dirt…better known as gardening.

Carole loves the outdoors and the change of seasons. Fall is her favorite as it is when her favorite holiday, Halloween is. She says, “You can make mischief and not get into trouble!”

In between writing her children’s books, she reads and paints watercolor scenes of animals, landscapes, and old barns.


Prince of Frogs Review


Cover Design- This cover is cute and colorful. Children will be drawn to it because of that. 5 STARS

Concept- Children, especially boys, love frogs. In Prince of Frogs, we see how loving a water animal can affect what a child will grow up to do. Brylan loves frogs so much he becomes a scuba diver. This is a nice way to entertain children but also to give them an insight into scuba diving. 5 STARS

Plot/Subplot- in this book we see how much Brylan loves his frogs and how badly he wants to have those frogs inside. Even though he wants this, he doesn’t go against his families wished. 5 STARS

Character Development: Not only do we get to know Brylan, but we also get to know his parents and his sister. These characters are instantly likable and very easy for children to relate too. 5 STARS

Entertainment Level- Children will love this book. They will want to read it over and over or have you read it over and over to them. Very entertaining. 5 STARS

Overall, I give Prince of Frogs 5 STARS -Reviewed by Award Winning Author Shannon Simpson


Other Books by This Author

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Having a cat is great except when it is a magic cat that disappears all of the time. Discover where Houdini goes when he vanishes.
Sharing Christmas
 It’s the last day of school before Christmas break. Mrs. C is opening her gifts from the class. What does she receive? What lesson does she have to share with them before they leave?
Stripes For Tom
Tom needs help. He doesn’t have any stripes. How can he be a tiger with no stripes? His friend knows how to help him, but first, they must go into the city. The townsfolk are afraid of him. They want to lock him in a cage. Will you help Tom get his stripes?
The Boy Who Loved Chocolate
Do you love chocolate? I do! I want chocolate every day! I love Easter because I get chocolate! I put chocolate on everything! If mom would let me put it on broccoli, I would eat it! What can I put chocolate on next?
The Bully
Spike is mean and thinks it’s fun to treat people badly. Then he has a bad dream that shows him what his what his life will soon be like. Find out what Spike learned from his bad dream about what happens to bullies.

The John Tree
The big old tree was ugly and gnarled, yet it offered shade and comfort to all who sat beneath it. Lucy passed this tree daily on her way to school, and soon it became a very big part of her life just like her friend John.
The Keene Green Halloween Cat
I suppose the color I chose did not make my teacher happy. I wanted something neat and snappy. It's your book so take a look inside. Then color away and have a nice day. Any color will do as this book is for you.  By Carole Lathrop Moeller 
The Missing Jesus
When the town shows up at the local Church for the Christmas program baby Jesus is missing from the Nativity scene. Find out who took the baby Jesus and why.
The Round and Round Truck
It’s Jake’s birthday and he can’t wait to go to the toy store to pick out his gift. He knows exactly what he wants, a Round and Round Truck. What happens when no one at the toy store knows what he is talking about?
The Snowman Who Wouldn’t Behave
Avery and Austyn build the perfect snowman and give him the perfect clothes and then they go inside to warm up and when they return, they discover their snowman isn't perfect after all, in fact he just won't behave!
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