A Champion is Born
She was just a newborn puppy but her mother Tanzi saw something special deep inside of her pup. There was courage, and confidence, along with passion and purpose. Tanzi also saw a healthy measure of wisdom. Smiling to herself Tanzi knew that her pup had the heart of a champion.
Babies Know
Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology is a multidisciplinary approach that explores in depth the biological, psychological, mental, emotional, and social development of babies as they grow into unique individuals through their relationship with caregivers. It honors the essence of life throughout the entire lifespan, and emphasizes the significance of the earliest formative relationship, which create the foundation for all subsequent interactions with others.
Bobby’s First Day
Bobby’s First Day recounts the events of the day Bobby was born, through the eyes of newborn Bobby, who is seeing and experiencing the world for the first time. This charming, rhyming story shows us the confusing and funny way the world must seem to a baby and is engaging for both parents telling the story and the children listening.
Everything A-Z Coloring and Learning Fun
Bring out the coloring artist of your child while letting them learn A to Z of Animals, Birds, Vegetables, Fruits, and the Wonders of the World. This coloring book for children contains 112 pages keeping your children engaged for more than three months. Coloring the names introduces them to lettering fun. Moreover, we aim to provide children with a chance to learn about what they are coloring by including a short paragraph, providing an introduction of the animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, flowers, in this children's coloring book. So, let your kids color and learn together with their friends.

Fertilizer for the Funnybone Activity Book
Coloring and activity on the farm with Gary Guest. Can you solve the puzzles and color within the lines? Can you name the farmer and his animals? This coloring and activity book will keep you busy for hours and have you laughing at the same time.
Join Harvey, a fun-loving and playful little dog, on his heartwarming adventures! From dressing up in silly costumes to creating colorful masterpieces, Harvey's zest for life knows no bounds. His charming antics are sure to bring smiles and joy to everyone he meets.
Houdini the cat
Having a cat is great except when it is a magic cat that disappears all of the time. Discover where Houdini goes when he vanishes.
Jamie Shai and His Superpower
With great challenges comes a child who found his superpower. Born with Cerebral Palsy and incredible challenges, unable to eat, walk or talk, Jamie found a way to make people ‘feel’ and for people to see him, to know him, lighting up a world in need of more love and laughter. There are such great positives that exist despite one’s challenges.  It’s so important to embrace children who are different and for the world to really see them and show just how awesome they are. Jamie has the power to show you his heart and soul, to light up your world, to slow you down and make you think, to change your day. Jamie has rocked our world, and in ways we could never have imagined.   He has, in more ways than we can count, been our greatest inspiration.  We all want the best and most we can give our children to give them the best start in life.  Sometimes plans turn out a little differently, and sometimes we are all the better for it and our eyes are opened to a world we never dreamed of or expected but are so incredibly grateful for. My heart burst with a million emotions when Jamie realized his superpower. By Lara Nathan
Lili and Bunni Go on Unicorn Safari
This is an adventure story about a little girl named Lili with her best friend, Bunni. Mom and Dad are taking Lili and her little best friend bunny on a safari trip. Although mom and dad have told her that she wouldn't be able to find Unicorns. This has made Lili determined and very impatient to prove them wrong. So off Lili and Bunni set on a safari drive, dressed to be the best Unicorn she and Bunni can be, in the hopes of finding her unicorn. Lili and Bunni get to see some exciting animals. And as she goes along, Lili finds herself in the predicament of learning how to enjoy all the exciting animals she gets to see on her Safari trip. Lili draws all the animals she gets to see... Lili soon discovers that uncovering and spotting all the safari animals can be just as fun as looking for the Unicorn. But just when Lili wants to give up on her Unicorn finding. guess what she and Bunni stumble upon? In this adventure, Lili learns the importance of being patient and learning to be happy and content at the moment and not to miss out on all the fun around her just because she did not get her own way. This story is based on a true adventure of Aliyah and her little pink stuffed bunny.
Lili and Bunni, The Camping Cowgirls
Daddy, Mommy, Lili, Bunni and her older brother, Jordy, go on a camping trip into the woods. Daddy has a surprise for these little adventurers, and Mommy gives them a task to keep them busy. Hmm...we wonder what the surprise is? Listening to instruction can be hard. Lili, Bunni, and Jordy soon find out.
Lili and Bunni’s Mermaid Adventure
A story based on true events of a little girl named Aliyah. She goes on her adventures with her stuffed bunny. In this book, Lili & Bunni go on a wild adventure with a new friend. They end up meeting some interesting friends along the way and learning new skills as they play.
Love Magic
Love Magic is a comforting story about 6-year-old Charlie who is missing her grandfather “Pop Pop”, who has recently passed to Heaven. Gramma reminds Charlie how Pop Pop told her before he passed that “The most important things in life are not seen with the eyes but felt with the heart”, and that all she had to do was think of him and he would be there. This beautiful story is a reminder that love is eternal and that we can always connect with those we love through remembering, visualization, signs, synchronicities and sharing Love Bubbles.

Mom and I Disagree
Moms and kids disagree on a lot of issues. After one particular morning full of disagreements over just about everything, this book was written by a stressed-out mom and deals with the debates over bedtime, chores, bicycling rules, and movie choices.  While trying to understand why so many rules exist, the child in the book realizes the rules are in place for his safety and health, and because he is loved. Parents everywhere can relate to disagreements over family rules.  Hopefully, as parents read Mom and I Disagree with their children they can reassure their children that the rules of their home are made out of concern and love.
Our Little Room

Our Little Room is a simple metaphorical story written to explain Angela’s understanding of her relationship to God. She uses the concept of a private space that is hers alone with God. It is simple enough for a small child to hear yet with a depth that adults everywhere can receive and relate to. It’s a reminder that somewhere before things in life got complicated and intellectual, we all had an uncontaminated simple happiness inside. Our Little

Room is a gentle instructional guide to finding that place again.
Prince of the Frogs
Brylan loves frogs. He takes them to school with him. He hides them in his sister's purse and in her bed. What he really wants is to have a frog as a pet he can keep in his room. Will his parents ever let him?
Rocky, I’m Loved Even When I’m Bad
Rocky, was rescued by Mrs. S. but she didn’t know just how bad he could be. Rocky is radical, rebellious, and rambunctious. He chews shoes, steering wheels, and steel doors. Will Mrs. S. keep Rocky or take him back to the shelter? Find out if Mrs. S. loves Rocky even when he is bad.
Sarah in the Greatness Chair
When Sarah learns about the Greatness Chair from Avi during the show and tell at school, she can't wait to find her greatness too! But she can't figure it out. Zoe answers her call for help and teaches her how to find the best in herself and her friends with a secret, surprising formula.
Sharing Christmas
 It’s the last day of school before Christmas break. Mrs. C is opening her gifts from the class. What does she receive? What lesson does she have to share with them before they leave?
Shhhh . . . Can You Hear the Songs of Angels?
Shhhh . . . Can You Hear the Songs of Angels? is a love story. It is for every child. It is designed to acquaint children with natural sounds, even the sound of silence. Children can learn to be still and listen to external sounds ~ and internal ones. What a gift to have your child settle, to listen attentively, to play a game of listening for sounds often lost in the busyness of modern life. Let your children tell you about what they hear. Perhaps it will be sounds you have learned to tune out. Perhaps it will be Songs of Angels.
Since You’ve Been Gone
Since You’ve Been Gone is a story of losing someone who has impacted your life in every way, and the struggle of moving on without them there. Often times a loss is sudden and unexpected. How do you go from them being there one day and gone the next? I hope this story helps people begin to move forward and at the same time helps them focus on the impact that the person they lost had, by focusing on what made them such a special force in their lives.
Spoon Song
 Sister is the youngest in her family. She dreams of being a part of her family band; to make something so beautiful it will make the mountains ring!
Stripes For Tom
Tom needs help. He doesn’t have any stripes. How can he be a tiger with no stripes? His friend knows how to help him, but first, they must go into the city. The townsfolk are afraid of him. They want to lock him in a cage. Will you help Tom get his stripes?
The Adventures of Taz: Taz Goes for A Ride
Join Taz (J.P.’s Service Dog) as she heads out on the road to adventure! Taz and her friends take on their first of many adventures in The Adventures of Taz: Taz Goes for a Ride. As a service dog, Taz provides support for J.P. and the stories of her adventures will provide the same for our young readers as Taz takes on new challenges in each of her new tales. In The Adventures of Taz: Taz Goes for a Ride, she takes a ride to the dog park to meet up with her friends.  Going to new places can be really scary sometimes, but it opens the possibility of meeting some new and exciting friends! Come along with Taz as she heads out on the road to a new adventure!
The Best Bedtime Story Ever
Do you want to improve your child’s behavior? An undiscovered window to guiding your children is open while they sleep! During this time your child’s developing ego-mind is quiet and cannot disagree or talk back. This is an open door for a caring parent to suggest alternative thoughts, feelings, and actions. A belief that your child holds like “Kids pick on me,” becomes “Other children treat you with kindness,” or “Other kids like you,” or simply, “You are loved.” As a parent, you can generate affirmations of love, kindness, and happiness in the minds of your children. This is a sacred trust. Your children are watching, listening, and imitating you and other role models throughout each day. Sleep is a time to suggest the best to your children to enhance their self-esteem and their regard for others.
The Booger Boy
A lighthearted, funny story that REALLY happened when a young boy finds himself in a very icky, sticky, and gross predicament. He describes in detail a little more than we want to know!
The Boy Who Loved Chocolate
Do you love chocolate? I do! I want chocolate every day! I love Easter because I get chocolate! I put chocolate on everything! If mom would let me put it on broccoli, I would eat it! What can I put chocolate on next?
The Bully
Spike is mean and thinks it’s fun to treat people badly. Then he has a bad dream that shows him what his what his life will soon be like. Find out what Spike learned from his bad dream about what happens to bullies.

The First Fairy Tale I: The Adventure Begins
“The First Fairy Tale Book I: The Adventure Begins by Susan Highsmith combines elegant beauty with magical words that inspire and inform us of the mystery and reality of conception. The beautiful artwork of Mark Sean Wilson adds a transcendent aura to every page.  The shapes and colors of his illustrations combined with Susan’s enlightening text bring us the wonder of the natural, yet miraculous, ancient journey taken by each of us.”
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