The Depth of the Riches
The man found himself in a great valley. Not remembering how he had arrived, the man began searching for answers. After experiencing several strange events the man was convinced he had stumbled into an area of secret experimentation conducted by the government. Join him on his journey into the valley where he discovers his destiny, A unique story of faith, hope, love, and truth.
The Fence
Max Miller, a nineteen-year-old Civil War reenactor is a college freshman in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Max is looking forward to four years of normal college life, but his time spent at school turns out to be anything but normal. He meets an eighteen-year-old Mennonite girl, which results in the loss of his part-time job. He also finds himself in danger of being sued and suffers numerous injuries from an attack. Two men in his life, a college roommate and a wealthy Mennonite farmer are making Max’s life very stressful but then he discovers the fence and things are not what they seem to be.
The First Fairy Tale I: The Adventure Begins
“The First Fairy Tale Book I: The Adventure Begins by Susan Highsmith combines elegant beauty with magical words that inspire and inform us of the mystery and reality of conception. The beautiful artwork of Mark Sean Wilson adds a transcendent aura to every page.  The shapes and colors of his illustrations combined with Susan’s enlightening text bring us the wonder of the natural, yet miraculous, ancient journey taken by each of us.”
The First Fairy Tale II: The Awakening Heart
The First Fairy Tale: Book II is the second book in a series that creatively tells the story of our beginnings in a way that delights children and parents alike.  Everyone has been born, so we have each taken this journey described in classic fairy tales, fables, allegories, legends, and myths across cultures and generations. Now you can share this magnificent journey with those who are actually taking it, those who enjoy hearing it the most and benefit from having their travels acknowledged. Parents can read The First Fairy Tale Book II: The Awakening Heart to their small children—it is really intended to be read to babies while they are still in the womb. Research shows that newborns remember the stories and songs they heard while in utero! They are calmed and reassured by the sound of your voice and the tone of their own story being told with love.
The First Fairy Tale III: Making Sense
Parents have always recognized that reading to their children is a good idea. In fact, even respected authorities like Albert Einstein have recommended reading fairy tales to children. Ancient cultures have told stories and sung songs to children-even while the children were being carried in the wombs of their mothers. Current research is now proving that babies hear while in- utero, and they remember the stories and songs they heard! The First Fairy Tales are a series of stories that portray an idyllic journey. From the compelling union of masculine and feminine energies (The First Fairy Tale I: The Adventure Begins), throughout the development of the heart (The First Fairy Tale II: The Awakening Heart), and now to the magnificent assemblage of a body and senses ready to be born into the light (The First Fairy Tale III: Making Sense), each fairy tale describes an ideal passage that prepares Little Ones for a successful transition surrounded with love and traversed with ease. In Joy, read these fairy tales to your Little One while you are pregnant. Your baby will get the idea! Your Little One will hear and internalize a model of a journey in which obstacles are overcome and development is both fun and awe-inspiring. Your baby will hear your voice conveying how much you appreciate the creative process being undertaken and will sense your anticipation of holding this Precious One in your arms. It is never too soon to begin communicating with your Little One who may be saying, "Tell me a story. I'm here, and I'm listening!"
The First Fairy Tale IV: Welcome to the Light
This is the fourth fairy tale in the series of stories designed to be read to babies while in mothers’ wombs. Each of these tales is a metaphor for a part of the journey a new baby is undertaking to come into mother’s arms. Reading these stories enhances the bond, the tie between mommy and baby, between parent and child. This is falling in love with your baby. What greater gift can you give to your child while s/he is in your womb? Reading to baby acknowledges the consciousness and innate wisdom within the growing embryo. What greater gift can a father, grandmother, caring relative or friend, give to a pregnant woman than to support the bond between a mother and her unborn baby? Research reveals that newborns remember stories that were read to them while they were in utero because they respond positively to the particular stories they heard. The First Fairy Tale: Book IV welcomes babies around the world as they come into the light. Read this tale to your baby before birth and continue to read it to your newborns and toddlers as they grow. Build your bond with your baby before and after birth-it’s never too early. By Susan Highsmith
The First Fairy Tale Spanish

“Una divertida y hermosamente ilustrada fantasía moderna sobre el precioso proceso de dar vida. La concepción se convierte en una accesible historia para todos.”

Janet Teodori, MD, Neuróloga Pediátrica y miembro APPPAH

“En este mundo nuestro donde arte y ciencia se cruzan, este libro es una verdadera gema. Cuentos de hadas pueden traer a nuestra mente la verdadera sabiduría del inconsciente y enriquecer nuestro conocimiento científico. La verdadera belleza del milagro de la concepción, como Dr. Susan Highsmith lo demuestra en este libro, le da a los niños y adultos el entendimiento que un “Nacimiento Lleno de Amor” es lo que nuestras almas están buscando.”

Dr. Gladys McGarey

Foundation for Living Medicine “ Mother of Holistic Medicine

El Primer Cuento de Hadas Libro 1: La Aventura Comienza por Susan Highsmith combina una belleza elegante con palabras mágicas que nos inspiran e informan del misterio y la realidad de la concepción. Esta hermosa obra de arte de Mark Sean Wilson añade una aura transcendente a cada pagina. Las formas y colores de sus ilustraciones junto con el texto enriquecido de Susan nos traen la maravilla del natural, pero milagroso, viaje antiguo que cada uno de nosotros toma.”

Barbara R. Findeisen, MFCC, PhD

President Pocket Sanctuary Foundation Past APPPAH President

The Gathering Table
I was born in Newport, Rhode Island and I was raised in a large family of 9 siblings. Meals were a time of laughter, sharing and getting everyone together. Through the years, the dining room table became the one place everyone would gather, and these are the times I remember the most. I have strived to always make my table a place my family, friends, and visitors love to be. (for a simple pie and coffee or a full-blown dinner) To do this, I have had to step out of my comfort zone and learn to have fun trying new recipes to make my table exciting and offer everyone a reason to come together. In my first book, I have shared my favorite recipes that will help you start to make your table the place everyone loves to gather at. No more begging or bribing the kids to come, (I smile as I say that!) make meals a memorable moment and soon you will be creating lasting memories of wonderful times shared while passing the mashed potatoes and gravy! These are the times I feel truly blessed.
The Gourd Book
The Gourd book is an outpouring of emotion from a grief-stricken woman over the loss of her father and the extraordinary events that inspired this fictional place full of exotic creatures telling her story of sorrow, inspiration, faith and finally peace.
The Greatest Comeback
Sharing his life story for the first time, renowned psychotherapist Dr. Darryl Wheat tells of his early years of trauma, parental abandonment, and being left to live with his grandmother. His defiance led him into numerous jails, detention houses and reform school. Young, brash and reckless, Darryl racked up over 40 arrests, 12 institutional escapes, and endless parole violations. He is seemingly destined for an early death, when miraculously, his loving grandmother intervenes. “Nanny” instills wisdom, which, at age 19, results in turning her grandson’s life completely around. Darryl then sets out to accomplish what people tell him is impossible. This is his unbelievable, yet true story.
The Greatness Chair
Avi is a typical boy having an ordinary day full of corrections and negativity by well-meaning grown-ups. When he reaches his limit and blows up, he ends up in the time-out chair, where he falls asleep. In his dream, he learns the secret of the Greatness Chair and brings his newfound wisdom back to his parents.
The Greatness Chair Hebrew Edition
Avi is a typical boy having an ordinary day full of corrections and negativity by well-meaning grown-ups. When he reaches his limit and blows up, he ends up in the time-out chair where he falls asleep. In his dream, he learns the secret of the Greatness Chair and brings his newfound wisdom back to his parents.
The Greatness Chair Solution
Are you a parent, teacher or therapist who is overwhelmed by the challenges faced in guiding children despite your best efforts?  Do you find it hard to handle your own reactions in the face of intense children?  Are you trying to stay connected despite physical and emotional exhaustion?  Or are you just looking for a way to notch up your success?
The Greatness Chair Solution: A Guidebook for Parents and Teachers is a revolutionary eight-week program to bring out the unique strengths of children and adults with a simple yet profound set of skills based on positive psychology, neuroscience, somatic experience, and the emerging field of neurocardiology. This is a fun, interactive method that is strength-based and meets the objectives of social-emotional learning, so vital for success in today's world. Weekly activities for both children and parents/teachers rapidly build stronger relationships, inner emotional strength, and resilience.
The John Tree
The big old tree was ugly and gnarled, yet it offered shade and comfort to all who sat beneath it. Lucy passed this tree daily on her way to school, and soon it became a very big part of her life just like her friend John.
The Keene Green Halloween Cat
I suppose the color I chose did not make my teacher happy. I wanted something neat and snappy. It's your book so take a look inside. Then color away and have a nice day. Any color will do as this book is for you.  By Carole Lathrop Moeller 
The Last Friend
A routine fraud investigation into a small town mortgage company leads private investigator David Squire from rural Arkansas to Washington D.C. Soon after arriving, he learns that a powerful United States Senator is deeply involved in a bribery scheme along with the President of the Arkansas mortgage company he’s investigating. David quickly realizes he has a decision to make and he understands that the consequences of the wrong choice would be devastating for his clients back in Arkansas. If he chooses to forget about the sleaze in the nation’s capital, and walk away from his investigation, his clients will lose everything they own. On the other hand, if he chooses to follow the money trail wherever it turns, the consequences could be extremely dangerous for him. David Squire is a man with a high sense of honor, so he chose the latter. In only a few short days he finds himself on a wild and very dangerous rollercoaster ride involving vile men who will stop at nothing, even murder of the innocent, to protect their criminal empire and to feed their lust for money and power…
The Miracle of Maddie
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage...but what happens when that baby is just out of reach?  Kevin and Mariah are no strangers to grief but they never thought they would be facing so much on their journey to become parents. Follow Mariah and Kevin's journey through infertility treatments as they candidly and some times a little too openly recount the ups, downs, sorrow and grief and learn to find true JOY in their journey to parenthood.
The Missing Jesus
When the town shows up at the local Church for the Christmas program baby Jesus is missing from the Nativity scene. Find out who took the baby Jesus and why.
The Renaissance of Birth
Dr. Susan Highsmith is an enlightened renaissance grandmother! She is a seeker of truth and spiritual wisdom, a lover of science and knowledge, a caring mother and grandmother, and a qualitative researcher. The Renaissance of Birth is the culminating tapestry of her perspectives as she leads us through a deeply meaningful quest to understand how we bring in our children-how we conceive, carry and birth our babies-past-present-future. We are at a crossroads in our world view paradigm, our understanding of babies and what they need to thrive from the beginning of life, restoring balance between science and feminine wisdom, and how we all, as stewards of the next generation, can help make a difference. For parents-to-be and all of us, I recommend this book! Wendy Anne McCarty, PhD RN Founding Chair/Faculty of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Graduate Programs, SBGI Project Director, 12 Guiding Principles - PPN: Nurturing Human Potential from the Beginning of Life Author, Welcoming Consciousness: Supporting Babies' Wholeness from the Beginning of Life
The Round and Round Truck
It’s Jake’s birthday and he can’t wait to go to the toy store to pick out his gift. He knows exactly what he wants, a Round and Round Truck. What happens when no one at the toy store knows what he is talking about?
The Snowman Who Wouldn’t Behave
Avery and Austyn build the perfect snowman and give him the perfect clothes and then they go inside to warm up and when they return, they discover their snowman isn't perfect after all, in fact he just won't behave!
The Stoic Cop
There's no doubt that law enforcement comes with its immense stress.  Sometimes it feels like our world is nothing but chaos; chaos at home due to stressors at work, chaos at work due to the stressors at home, but mainly the chaos we make for ourselves from unnecessary, falsely perceived stress. But what if you could control all that by simply adopting the virtues of the stoic philosophy? Stoicism teaches how to find inner peace amid the chaos of our perceived external world.  With a mixture of stoic aphorisms and personal stories, The Stoic Cop explains how it is possible to  handle the daily stress and chaos of law enforcement with a little mind control.  Learn to bridge the gap between police and citizen relationships, deal with difficult people, navigate department politics, and more. Learn to control your perceptions, opinions, and emotions and become a better, more virtuous police officer. Most importantly, control your perceived chaos.
There’s an Elephant in the Yard
Imagine if you went outside to play and an elephant stood in your backyard. That is exactly what happened to Dougie! Join Dougie, as he helps his new friend, Heppie the elephant, find her way back home.
Thirty-Five Logs on the Fire
On March 17, 1984, the McLeansboro Foxes completed a dream season by winning the Illinois Class A State Title and finishing 35-0. This book tells the stories about not only the games but also the stories behind the scenes that caused the entire community in Hamilton County and even southern Illinois to follow this team by the thousands.
This Joy That I Have: Life After the Storm
When we rid ourselves of negative thinking, people, habits, and proclivities, we feel cleaner, lighter, happier, more grounded, and soulful. When we forgive others, move on, and love ourselves, it frees us to walk in the joy and fulfillment God has designed for us. Take a journey through your life to learn and manifest your life of joy and soulfulness. Discover how to overcome the pain of rejection, failure, insecurity, and doubt. Discover who you are at your core and learn to embrace the beauty of you. Your maximum life of joy awaits you! Let’s begin our journey together. DISCOVER HOW TO
  • Release the pain you have been holding onto Overcome the setbacks in your life Find forgiveness for yourself and others Discover who you are at your core Experience your best joy-filled life
No matter what you have been through A joy-filled life is waiting for you!  
Treasure of Truth, God Triumphant
Burl L. Shepard is the author of The Depth of Our Riches, A Son is Given, and For It Is by Grace. In Burl’s fourth book, read about Christian apologetics and its significance to the Christian faith. Discover the power of God’s word and the only pathway to Heaven. What is the unforgivable sin, and what must one do to avoid committing it? Read about Israel, God’s chosen people, and the growing apostasy of replacement Theology. Learn God’s purpose for the Ten Commandments. Go on a symbolic journey to Heaven and discover the wonders that might be writing. Explore the New Heavens and New Earth God will create after the thousand-year rule of Jesus on Earth. Burl’s fourth book is uniquely written and thought provoking, a must read.
Trudy can Talk
Trudy was a tall and skinny dog called a Saluki. She was just an ordinary dog until something extraordinary happened to her and then she was no ordinary dog at all. Find out what changed Trudy and how you too can become extraordinary.
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