
The Depth of the Riches

The man found himself in a great valley. Not remembering how he had arrived, the man began searching for answers. After experiencing several strange events the man was convinced he had stumbled into an area of secret experimentation conducted by the government. Join him on his journey into the valley where he discovers his destiny,
A unique story of faith, hope, love, and truth.



About the Author

Burl L. Shepard

Burl L. Shepard worked for National Life and Accident Insurance where he earned awards and sales trips. He then provided home healthcare services with Apria Healthcare for 18 years before ending his stellar career in sales with Mediacom Cable. Upon retirement, he began to devoutly study the Word of God.


The Depth of the Riches Reviews:

What defines riches to you? Money? How about some expensive jewelry? Maybe a grand house and a nice car? Think about this for a minute... How about the simpler things in life you just need to be happy and enjoy everything life has to offer? Think about maybe heaven on earth... What would it be like for you? Experience this through the faith, hope, and love of this story The Depth of The Riches. An amazing story that could change the way you see things. – Reviewed by Carol

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The man wakes up and wonders where he is and who he is. His journey for enlightenment continues through a beautiful, serene valley. The animals he meets have no fear of him or other animals. There is no violence, no bloodshed, just peace. He asks many questions of himself but as time goes on the questions are unimportant. What is really going on? Part fantasy part allegory this clever book will delight you with its charm. Filled with hope for a brighter future. Enjoy. -Reviewed by Janet

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This is a very entertaining book that pulls you in and allows you to use your imagination and allows you to glimpse heaven’s glory. Very interesting read for all. – Reviewed by TLS via Amazon

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Captivating read! A good meaningful story that really makes you think about life and what comes next! Recommend for everyone! – Reviewed by Brittany via Amazon

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Very well written. Great story. Makes you think. – Reviewed by Michael Shepard via Amazon

Other Books by This Author

A Son is given
A Child is born. A Son is given who by his sacrificial blood offers deliverance from sin. He will return not as the sacrificial lamb of God but as the ruler of all nations. Ruling with an iron scepter as he provides never-ending peace and justice.
For It Is by Grace
Fast paced reading, ever changing subject matter, hard to put down book about the greatest gift ever given and the price that was paid for that gift. Share this book with your family and friends.
Treasure of Truth, God Triumphant
Burl L. Shepard is the author of The Depth of Our Riches, A Son is Given, and For It Is by Grace. In Burl’s fourth book, read about Christian apologetics and its significance to the Christian faith. Discover the power of God’s word and the only pathway to Heaven. What is the unforgivable sin, and what must one do to avoid committing it? Read about Israel, God’s chosen people, and the growing apostasy of replacement Theology. Learn God’s purpose for the Ten Commandments. Go on a symbolic journey to Heaven and discover the wonders that might be writing. Explore the New Heavens and New Earth God will create after the thousand-year rule of Jesus on Earth. Burl’s fourth book is uniquely written and thought provoking, a must read.
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