Aria is strong enough to survive the mounting dangers alone but grateful she doesn’t have to.
“I’m not going looking for a fight, but I’m not going to back down from one either.” ~ Aria
“I’ve been wondering for a while now what you would look like right before I kissed you.” ~ Mac
Meeting Simon Longoria on the beach in St. Lucia seemed like a dream come true. For Aria Donaldson it was the vacation of a lifetime complete with sand, sun, and lots of raw, adventurous sex. At the time, Aria had no idea that her encounter with Simon would entwine her with Deuce Halprin, a sinister man determined to destroy her family. When an ominous dream from her childhood begins playing out in real life, Aria is convinced that Simon is somehow involved, and her real nightmare begins.
In the midst of unimaginable danger, Aria meets her guardian angel, her soulmate, her lover— Mac Brunner. As Aria and Mac’s romance heats up, Aria discovers that she is at the center of a nasty family feud that goes back a generation. Aria and Mac now must uncover the family secrets that Deuce Halprin is determined to protect. Haunted by the deception lurking in her past, Aria faces its consequences and finds herself caught between the life she always knew and the reality she must face.
Be the unstoppable hero of your own heart.
Have you ever felt the crippling weight of self-doubt overshadowing your abilities?
Have you forgotten your innate power and the divine blueprint of your existence?
Join Lanie D’Souza on a transformative journey, with over two decades of experience empowering thousands of women to embrace self-trust and body love. This path unveils the proud strength of self-compassion, the beauty of gratitude, and the revelation of your authentic self. Embrace the transformative trinity of kindness in your words, thoughts, and actions. Trust in the process as the struggle paints the portrait of your higher self. At its core, gratitude nurtures mind, body, and spirit. It's time to take the first ride to embrace your past, build your confidence, and unleash your true beauty.A face is lurking in the darkness. The face of…pure evil.
In 2005, teenager, Christopher Robertson, with some other dropouts started a band. Unbeknownst to them, there is evil hunting them, watches their every move. Evil is coming for each of them…all because of Christopher. What did Christopher do to attract this evil?When Nick Dewhurst experienced the ending of a friendship, he felt a great sense of loss and grief. With I’ve Finally Lost It, Nick takes a look at many different types of grief that often go overlooked. Many books will focus on the loss of a parent or loss of a spouse, while this book covers those topics it also dives into some very personal stories regarding the loss of a job, a pet, a best friend, faith and even an entire identity.
Nick leverages all his experiences as a United States Navy chaplain, firefighter, youth pastor, father, and husband to demonstrate that many types of grief and loss are common to everyone. Instead of reading this book through the eyes of a counselor or psychiatrist, you can read it as if you’re on a journey with a new friend.
These emotionally written short stories combined with humor and scriptural truth use a personal touch to help anyone experiencing all types of loss know that they are not alone as they walk their path of grief.Anyone who has a child in their life, whether as a parent, family member, teacher, or someone else involved in the child’s care, should read this book. The information contained will change how you view music. It will not only have a positive, direct impact on the child; it will have an impact on you, the reader, as well.
Every parent or teacher has the capability of using music. Would more of them take the time to sing and dance if they knew how valuable taking the time was? If one of the basic tools for building a brain was music, would you use it? I am handing you that tool right now with this book.
Come join me as we begin Building Brains with Music.Our Little Room is a simple metaphorical story written to explain Angela’s understanding of her relationship to God. She uses the concept of a private space that is hers alone with God. It is simple enough for a small child to hear yet with a depth that adults everywhere can receive and relate to. It’s a reminder that somewhere before things in life got complicated and intellectual, we all had an uncontaminated simple happiness inside. Our Little
Room is a gentle instructional guide to finding that place again.Who am I, I asked myself
I do not always know
Somedays I try to be another girl
Someone in fancy clothes.
I curl my hair all up
I put on my paint and then
I paste a smile upon my lips
Pretend I’m all-a-grin.
The whole world sees me just like this
All nice and pretty-secure.
But Lord, you see the inward parts
The heart and mind impure.
Thank you, Lord, for sending your dear Son
He cleansed and made me whole
I am your child, You’re my God
That’s all I need to know,
“Una divertida y hermosamente ilustrada fantasía moderna sobre el precioso proceso de dar vida. La concepción se convierte en una accesible historia para todos.”
Janet Teodori, MD, Neuróloga Pediátrica y miembro APPPAH
“En este mundo nuestro donde arte y ciencia se cruzan, este libro es una verdadera gema. Cuentos de hadas pueden traer a nuestra mente la verdadera sabiduría del inconsciente y enriquecer nuestro conocimiento científico. La verdadera belleza del milagro de la concepción, como Dr. Susan Highsmith lo demuestra en este libro, le da a los niños y adultos el entendimiento que un “Nacimiento Lleno de Amor” es lo que nuestras almas están buscando.”
Dr. Gladys McGarey
Foundation for Living Medicine “ Mother of Holistic Medicine”
“El Primer Cuento de Hadas Libro 1: La Aventura Comienza por Susan Highsmith combina una belleza elegante con palabras mágicas que nos inspiran e informan del misterio y la realidad de la concepción. Esta hermosa obra de arte de Mark Sean Wilson añade una aura transcendente a cada pagina. Las formas y colores de sus ilustraciones junto con el texto enriquecido de Susan nos traen la maravilla del natural, pero milagroso, viaje antiguo que cada uno de nosotros toma.”
Barbara R. Findeisen, MFCC, PhD
President Pocket Sanctuary Foundation Past APPPAH President
"Lake Barrow, Florida is a small, central Florida farming community which prides itself on loving three things: faith, family, and the mighty Spartans of Sims County High. The tiny Bible-belt town is also home to a long-standing feud between two of its most prominent families, the Gills and the Danforths.
Jayce Leonard is a hometown football hero from Lake Barrow who is all too familiar with the Gill-Danforth controversy. After achieving success as a college quarterback at a small university, Jayce is called home in 2003 to coach at his alma mater at the age of twenty-four, making him the youngest high school head coach in the state of Florida. However, he soon finds himself squarely in the middle of his hometown’s checkered history again as he seeks to start a family and successfully lead his beloved Spartans on the gridiron. Alongside him is his college teammate and best friend, Soul Rasheed. "Coach Soul," as he is known to the team, is a Muslim and former favorite receiving target of Jayce's whose enthusiasm and charisma quickly endear him to the players. However, Soul's presence in Lake Barrow - along with his faith - soon generates fresh strife in the midst of the ongoing discord that has plagued Jayce’s small town for years.
Soul Sprints is a football tale of love, friendship, tolerance, and the ties of family and community that bind, even in the unceasing presence of bitterness and prejudice in post-9/11 America."