A Son is given
A Child is born. A Son is given who by his sacrificial blood offers deliverance from sin. He will return not as the sacrificial lamb of God but as the ruler of all nations. Ruling with an iron scepter as he provides never-ending peace and justice.
Blessed by God Led by the Spirit
The sequel to Thank You Lord for the Privilege delves more deeply into the day-to-day workings of God moving in the life of one of His servants. This same God also works through the lives of others (church leaders, relatives, and worldwide friends), to support and encourage the author throughout the decades of her life. Through this memoir, we also are taken along to tour many countries in the world, as she shares her travel experiences and highlights.
The foundation of our faith determines our practice of it. Followers of Jesus today have the benefit—and the hindrance—of hindsight. Looking back from this side of the cross, it’s easy to understand the benefits of our salvation. Is it enough to know we are saved from our sins? How would it feel to experience the Good News from the beginning? Would it change how we represent Jesus today if we were also saved to something?
For It Is by Grace
Fast paced reading, ever changing subject matter, hard to put down book about the greatest gift ever given and the price that was paid for that gift. Share this book with your family and friends.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant demands of being a woman? Have you ever regretted your behavior in certain situations?  Have you ever blamed God for your decisions? Yes, to all the above! Why don’t we be more honest - a lot of us have answered yes to these questions. We forget that we can only control one thing —ourselves. We forget to stop taking life so seriously and laugh at our own faults.  Instead, we laugh at each other and break ourselves down in the process. It’s time to share our sisterhood in Christ and eliminate the competition we create by replacing it with love. You are not alone. Find a quiet space, grab a pen, and let’s get started bettering you.
We love Jesus, no question about that. Church? Frustrating sometimes, isn’t it? We know gathering with other believers is important, but many of us are suffering from PTSD: Post-Traumatic Sanctuary Disorder. Is there a practical path forward for frustrated believers both outside and inside the structure of today’s church? What motivates us to pursue a revival of the mission we have been given?
Shattered Raw and Real: Finding Faith When God Feels Absent

Where was God in all of this? Why did He let this nightmare unfold? I tried my best, did everything I thought was right, and still, it all crumbled. I was sure I was following His lead, but now I’m questioning if I ever heard Him at all.

You feel broken, shattered—like you’ve hit rock bottom. You’ve prayed, thought, pleaded, and begged God to intervene, but the situation hasn’t changed. You’re angry, confused, and left wondering why He’s taking so long. He’s gone. Shouldn’t He have stepped in by now?

God sees your pain. He’s not afraid of your questions or frustration. He’s waiting for you to come to Him—raw and real—so He can begin the healing process. In the midst of the devastation, He wants to walk with you, restore you, and carry you through to the other side. Let Him. Your healing begins here.

Thank You, Lord, for the Privilege
Eunice Redeker-Hausler grew up on a small farm in Southern Illinois, a child born into a family of seven siblings. Hard work was expected. A one room school was commonplace, and from there being one of the first to go to high school which opened up the world. College became possible with hard work. A teaching degree in Lutheran Education led to teaching in the U.S., Papua New Guinea, and China. Marrying an Australian gentleman fulfilled the great adventure.
The Bunker Eleven Down
“Who knows Bob,” John said to the Colonel in a solemn tone. “As far as I am aware, nobody has ever done what we are about to do. Think about it: we are going to put twelve strangers in a bunker one hundred feet underground, and then tell them that all we are going to do is observe their interactions while they perform basic tasks for two weeks. Then we are going to fake a cataclysmic event followed by a complete disconnect for an additional two weeks while we secretly monitor their meltdown from inside. After two weeks of subliminal messaging, and with our guy inside feeding fear into them, they will think World War Three has happened and they are the lone survivors trapped one hundred feet underground. How would you react, Bob?” John asked the Colonel. HOW WOULD YOU REACT?
The Depth of the Riches
The man found himself in a great valley. Not remembering how he had arrived, the man began searching for answers. After experiencing several strange events the man was convinced he had stumbled into an area of secret experimentation conducted by the government. Join him on his journey into the valley where he discovers his destiny, A unique story of faith, hope, love, and truth.
Treasure of Truth, God Triumphant
Burl L. Shepard is the author of The Depth of Our Riches, A Son is Given, and For It Is by Grace. In Burl’s fourth book, read about Christian apologetics and its significance to the Christian faith. Discover the power of God’s word and the only pathway to Heaven. What is the unforgivable sin, and what must one do to avoid committing it? Read about Israel, God’s chosen people, and the growing apostasy of replacement Theology. Learn God’s purpose for the Ten Commandments. Go on a symbolic journey to Heaven and discover the wonders that might be writing. Explore the New Heavens and New Earth God will create after the thousand-year rule of Jesus on Earth. Burl’s fourth book is uniquely written and thought provoking, a must read.
Why Israel
“The idea of Israel as a nation is an emotionally charged topic. The mere mention of its name can easily set off demonstrations, sometimes resulting in violence and even all-out war. But Why Israel? What is it about this tiniest of countries sitting in the midst of massive Middle Eastern nations that constantly seems to keep the world sitting on the edge of its seat? How did it get there, and for what purpose does it exist? These are age-old questions this book seeks to answer. It is not an attempt to solve any current political, religious, or social perplexities, nor a desire to advocate on behalf of Jews, Palestinians, or Christians living in the region. No, what you are about to read is simply an honest attempt to explain from the Bible how, and why, Israel appears continually in world affairs and conflicts.”  “Though never mentioned specifically in the Bible, the Star of David is recognized universally as the insignia for modern Judaism. Today it is a symbol of great pride among the Hebrew people, but during War World II Adolf Hitler forced Jews to wear it as a “badge of shame” designed to racially profile their identities. The First Zionist Congress in 1897 chose the star as the central emblem for the flag of the future State of Israel. Just 51 years later the new nation of Israel was born on May 14, 1948, thus establishing the first Jewish state in nearly 2,000 years. But where did Israel come from? And what is the significance of their reappearance on the world’s political and religious stage? In his book WHY ISRAEL? author Keavin Hayden takes his readers on a spiritual journey through time, uncovering the history of this ancient people, and demonstrating how the existence of Israel will affect the future of everyone living on our planet.”
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