
The Greatest Comeback

Sharing his life story for the first time, renowned psychotherapist Dr. Darryl Wheat tells of his early years of trauma, parental abandonment, and being left to live with his grandmother. His defiance led him into numerous jails, detention houses and reform school. Young, brash and reckless, Darryl racked up over 40 arrests, 12 institutional escapes, and endless parole violations. He is seemingly destined for an early death, when miraculously, his loving grandmother intervenes. “Nanny” instills wisdom, which, at age 19, results in turning her grandson’s life completely around. Darryl then sets out to accomplish what people tell him is impossible. This is his unbelievable, yet true story.


About the Author

Dr. Darryl Wheat

Darryl Wheat is a widely known psychotherapist, inspirational speaker, personal achievement consultant, frequent trainer in Spiritual and Success Psychology, and author of several books. He is engaged in frequent seminars, workshops, and public speaking. He is particularly called on to speak to college audiences, churches, retreats, business clubs, and organizations.

He currently maintains a private practice in Mississippi. He is well-known for his expertise with traumatized children and divorce. He is widely used as an expert witness.

He has a B.S. degree from Texas Wesleyan University, and M.S. degree from University of North Texas, a M.S.W. from Louisiana State University, has been a scholarship student at the University of Pennsylvania, has Ph.D. in Religion, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Social Work from Smith College. He also completed Psychoanalytic Training and is a Board-Certified Psychoanalyst.


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