
Love Magic

Love Magic is a comforting story about 6-year-old Charlie who is missing her grandfather “Pop Pop”, who has recently passed to Heaven. Gramma reminds Charlie how Pop Pop told her before he passed that “The most important things in life are not seen with the eyes but felt with the heart”, and that all she had to do was think of him and he would be there. This beautiful story is a reminder that love is eternal and that we can always connect with those we love through remembering, visualization, signs, synchronicities and sharing Love Bubbles.



About the Author

Marla Hughes

Marla Hughes has worked with children her entire life in a number of different capacities.  At the transplant unit of UCSF Hospital in San Francisco she taught children about exercise, nutrition and relaxation.  She worked with Dr. Gerald Jampolsky at the Center for Attitudinal Healing, using art and music therapy to help young children who had life threatening diseases or who had a parent or loved one who was severely ill.  Her podcast, Interviews with Innocence (interviewswithinnocence.com), features experts in the fields of science and metaphysics who focus on children and spirituality.  Marla is the founder of the Ethiopian Family Fund (ethiopianfamilyfund.org), a nonprofit dedicated to developing sustainable education and healthcare for Ethiopian children and their families.  According to Marla, “My greatest teachers have been my children.  I have never experienced a love that deep or profound.”


Love Bubbles Reviews

This is such a beautiful story that is just as much for adults as it is for children. This book is a beautiful way of starting a conversation with kids about the difficult and confusing topic of losing a loved one. Also, the illustrations are AMAZING. – -Reviewed by Levi Anderson via Amazon

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Cover Design- I love this cover! It is eye catching and appealing to children and adults. 5 STARS

Concept- This is the first book I’ve read on this subject. Children unfortunately have to face death the way we all do. Sometimes it’s hard for them to understand loss. This book explains the loss of a grandpa in a way to comfort and help children. 5 Stars

Plot/Sublot- The plot is written carefully so that it doesn’t talk down or make light of how a child feels. 5 STARS

Character Development- Your characters are instantly likable. Grandma could be more grandmother and Charlie is adorable. They are drawn in a way to catch the eye. The text is easy to understand. 5 STARS

Entertainment Level- The book is a quick read with a lasting message. I would recommend every parent get this book! All children and even adults would benefit from this story. 5 STARS

Overall- 5 STARS. This is a must red for children. –-Reviewed by Award Winning Author, Shannon Simpson

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Have you ever felt your whole world has crashed when someone close to you passes away? This wonderful story is full of pointers as to how to keep our loved ones close after they die. It's great for an evening read, an anytime tale for some quality time, or just a settle-in as a bedtime story. The perfect way to remember that our loved ones are always in our hearts and minds.

Love Magic is unique in that it isn't just a book for children even though it looks like it. When you feel a little lost just pick up Love Magic and read through it again and again and feel the magic of your loved ones right there with you. – -Reviewed by Carol

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If you have had a death in the family, then this is the book for you. Love Magic enfolds Charlie as she misses her Pop-Pop, who has gone to heaven. Special signs are sent her way for her to know that Pop-Pop is just a memory away.

This well-written and well-illustrated book will touch the hearts of young and old alike. Filled with wisdom it is written simply for young children to understand, yet the lessons are there for adults too. Buy several copies to keep on hand to share with people grieving and donate a copy to your local library too. Make sure you keep one for yourself. -Reviewed by Janet


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